Update 8/10/09 - Yesterday I caught a church service on TV which was being led by some special musicians. The Spirit came through powerfully and I wondered who they were. It was Keith and Kristyn Getty, who are producing theologically nutritious material set to modern musical sensibilities. I blogged about this duo earlier. Click here. Also see this article. And check out this Keith and Kristyn YouTube playlist. (Words here).
(Original post) - Chuck Colson draws on an article in Touchstone magazine by Donald Willliams titled "Durable Hymns." Colson cites certain "marks of excellence:
Among these marks of excellence is biblical truth. Lyrics need not to be literal
Scripture, but they do have to be faithful to it.
Another mark of excellence—theological
profundity. Think of how the words to this great hymn encourage us to worship God with our minds: Immortal, invisible, God only wise By contrast, some contemporary choruses are often “so simplistic and repetitive
In light inaccessible hid from our eyes
that theological reflection never has a chance to get started,” Williams says. A third mark of excellence is poetic richness. For instance, the use of a question
in the hymn “What Child is This?” helps us capture “the wonder
of the Incarnation.” In “Amazing
Grace,” the word “wretch,”
Williams notes, is “a simple but evocative” choice. A fourth
mark is musical beauty. In great music, “there are certain contours, structures,
and cadences that make for a singable melody.” And the right harmony “can
make that melody more memorable . . .,” he writes. For instance, “Be
Thou My Vision” “rises and falls like an ocean wave or a sine curve.” Tragically, Williams notes, “more recent praise choruses seem to ignore
all the rules of good composition, giving us not well-shaped melodies but just one note after another.” Now, some songwriters are creating excellent music today. But, warns Williams,
only those musicians who are musically gifted, and historically, biblically, and
theologically trained are qualified to help churches choose the best new music
“as a supplement to the church’s rich musical heritage.” I couldn’t agree more. And—in the end—all sides of the music
wars can agree that we want to praise God by singing hymns and spiritual songs
that are biblically true, theologically profound, poetically rich, and, yes, musically