"Breakpoint's" Ralph Early has the story. Key quote:
Sadly, instead of an objective look at the work of CEF, Aviv’s article is what I would call a prime example of “othering”—of defining some individual or group as being different in some fundamental way and therefore not belonging. In history this “otherness,” often based on race, religion, behavior, or appearance, has often led people to view these “others” as less intelligent, subhuman, or having strange and threatening worldviews. For Aviv, it appears that Christians are that strange “other”—they’re exotic creatures to be put under the microscope and feared.
. . . worrisome is the history of what this kind of “othering” produces: it’s dehumanization. And that’s only one small step removed from oppression, disenfranchisement, and frequently even violence. That’s one slippery slope I hope we never see our culture go down.
Read the whole article.