The following links showcase a couple practitioners of the "oral interpretation of literature" that I think might be of interest to some. Years ago I knew a fellow doing an M.A. in that subject at Northwestern University. He now teaches homiletics (preaching) at a major seminary. Anyway, for what it's worth, these bear checking out: [HT: Between Two Worlds]
- Ryan Ferguson reciting Hebrews 9-10, reciting Psalm 25, reciting Psalm 22.
- Until November 1 you can download (for free) Max McLean’s reading of Martin Luther’s speech, “Here I Stand” (24 minutes).
- Speaking of Max McLean, more on him can be found here and his new book, Unleashing the Word: Rediscovering the Public Reading of Scripture. Incidentally, back in May I blogged about McLean's Chicago theatre performance of Mark's Gospel and included a link to Justin Taylor's interview with him.