Tonight my mother journeyed onward into the light of Christ. As one who believes in the resurrection of the dead, I do not sorrow or grieve like those who have no hope. I was privileged to spend days, and 7 of the last 8 nights at the hospital, time I would not have wished to spend elsewhere no matter what the enducement.
Someone who met my mother only one time, a business acquaintance, wrote me the following:
"I was struck by your mother's light and grace when I met her a year ago. She exuded joy and I loved her smile immediately. She's the kind of person that the rest of us would love to just "be" in her presence.
This person grasped the essence of my mother. I consider myself enormously blessed, and my dominant emotion and attitude is one of gratitude; gratitude for my mother's life, gratitude for having been given so much time with my mother, and gratitude for caring, praying friends. Thank
you so much, all who brought friendship and help during this traumatic week. [My original post about my mother's tragic accident can be found here.]