Rifqa Barry, the teenage Muslim girl who embraced Christianity is being held in virtual house arrest. Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs posts the following:
In the most egregious violation of Rifqa's Bary's civil rights, Rifqa is being denied essential contact with the outside world.
Her laptop has been confiscated. And now friends of hers are being denied the right to see her. And the couple of people who were allowed to see her in the past were fingerprinted.
She has been in Ohio for two weeks, and still there is no "pre-approved list" of visitors for Rifqa. On more than one occasion Rifqa has asked and been denied her request to see friends. At a previous almost covert hearing that was held, Mohamad and Aysha Bary moved to restrict her visitation, and it seems they succeeded.
Can any outside pressure be applied? How do we know she is all right? How do we know she is not being psychologically pressured?
She has not been granted pastoral care. She is being denied the freedom to practice her religion. Where are Rifqa's protectors? Who speaks for Rifqa?
Inmates in prison get visits from their clergy. She is not being afforded the right of prisoners. She has not committed any crime. Why can't friends see her? One of the people who spoke to
me on the record was Jamal Jivanjee (the others, who feared retribution for Rifqa and themselves, asked to remain anonymous). He has been denied visitation. Why can't Jamal Jivanjee see her? He has requested a visit and Rifqa requested a visit from Jivanjee. He called Rifqa's lawyers, Franklin Child Services, and got the run around again and again. He calls daily.
Bottom line. No one knows whats going on. Why the secrecy? Why the cloak and dagger? Why the unintended enforcement of sharia law?
Me: A rally was held on Monday, Nov. 16th on Rifqa's behalf at the Franklin County Courthouse in Columbua, Ohio. A CBN news report and video may be found here. A video from Pamela Geller's Miles Video is reproduced below. Rifqa Barry's next court apperance is scheduled for 3 days before Christmas. Complete coverage of Rifqa's case can be found at