Recent discoveries:
William Lane Craig on the Flying Spaghetti Monster (3 min 39 second video)Tawapologetics: Did Jesus Really Say that? The Reliability of the New Testament Gospels (Web article)
Wintery Knight - The Case for Christian Theism (Web links to articles and debates)
Book (ed. by John Piper and Justin Taylor): The Supremacy of Christ in a Postmodern World. Video and audio of the talks here.Truthbomb Apologetics: Free Apologetics e-book library
Wintery Knight (On Intelligent Design) - Audio of Debate Between Stephen Meyer and Peter Atkin
Note: Charles Colson has important things to say about Stephen Meyer's book Signature in the Cell Dr. Douglas Groothuis, for his part, rhapsodizes:
The book is no less than magisterial, an adjective that curmudgeons such as myself seldom use. At every level--philosophical, scientific, historical and literary--it is a superb treatise. Reading every word of its 508 pages of text (not counting end notes)--as I did--repays the reader greatly.