A friend new to the internet sent me an e-mail asking for websites and blogs I would recommend. I sent an e-mail in response, annotating each suggestion offered. Below is what I wrote, (my first installment):
My personal reading habits include a daily look at the Drudge Report - http://www.drudgereport.com/ - which contains a hodgepodge of news links. It has proven influential down through the years and is read by millions. Matt Drudge broke the story of Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. Many people check the blog several times a day.
National Review Online - http://www.nationalreview.com/ - publishes a daily website with a variety of articles, but they also publish a blog, The Corner - http://corner.nationalreview.com/ - to which writers contribute throughout the day. They often link to important articles appearing elsewhere on the internet. It's
conservative, entertaining and often very enlightening. Though it's heavy on things political, it is not exclusively so. A fair amount of material I publish on my blog originates from this website. In general it's friendly to religion.
HotAir - http://hotair.com/ - is also a conservative political/cultural website, but one that specializes in video reporting along with short commentary. At the top of the page it carries headline links to articles found elsewhere on the internet. These headlines change throughout the day and are not necessarily always conservative. (They let you know "how the other side" thinks). The two guys who are in charge of this video blog are a Roman Catholic (Ed Morrissey), and in late afternoon and evening an atheist (Allahpundit), whose religious views do not usually enter into his reporting. My understanding is that Michelle Malkin - http://michellemalkin.com/ - (a conservative writer who has her own website and often appears on television), owns HotAir.
Yesterday I came across a used (but new) book by Mona Charen titled "Useful Idiots: How Liberals Got It Wrong in the Cold War and Still Blame America First." I have the highest regard for Mona Charen, and read a number of positive reviews when it was first published (2003). I was thrilled to pick it up at a bargain price of $2.00!
As I dipped into it last night, it only reinforced my conviction that Leftists currently provide the Islamic threat the same foolish (and unconscionable) positive spin that they previously provided Communists (and still do). In both cases, Leftists adopt a shameful, obtuse, and reprehensible refusal to face the facts.
Discover the Networks - http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/ - provides useful (and fairly comprehensive) encyclopedia-like information on Leftist individuals and organizations. It contains numerous hyperlinks which aid additional research tremendously.
Robert Spencer has written a number of books revealing the murderous texts of Islam, its history and its goals. He has a website, Jihad Watch - http://www.jihadwatch.org/ - which contains daily items related to worldwide radical Islam. He also publishes an online work in progress: Qur-an Commentary - http://www.jihadwatch.org/quran-commentary.html
A feisty female, Pamela Geller, publishes Atlas Shrugs, a blog which takes on world-wide Antisemitism, the Islamic threat, media bias, and anything else she finds unjust or disgusting. She offers periodic updates on Rifqa Bary, the Muslim-raised 17 year old girl who converted to Christ and subsequently fled for her life to Florida and is now back in Ohio engaged in an on-going court battle with her parents (and the Muslim establishment)! Some may object to Geller's occasional salty language, but I tip my hat to her -- a tireless, courageous activist waging life-deciding battles. These days I check her blog daily.
So there you have it. My first installment. All these websites are listed on the left side of my blog. I expect to produce a second installment in due course.