Pamela Geller (of Atlas Shrugs) argues the case persuasively. She writes: [I provided the explanatory links]
The only reason FOX does as staggeringly well as it does is because the other networks are so bad. The only reason FOX has no rival is because the competition is
so completely and utterly corrupt. They aren't news. They are paid cheerleaders of the Democrat party. FOX presents the conservative view as well as the liberal view. It's that the competition is so bad, the bar so low, that FOX has no rival.Imagine a news network that actually addressed the greatest threat to western civilization.
Imagine a news network that reported on the 14,793 Islamic attacks around the world, and the persecution of Christians and Jews, and actually explained why and how it was happening.
Imagine a news network that told us what the Organization of the Islamic Conference really was, and how they are behind the Wilders prosecution, and the Danish cartoon crisis, and the freedom of speech crime laws.
Imagine a news network that covered the trial of the century, nay, the crime of the century, Geerrt Wilders, with the wall to wall coverage it deserves. [Wikipedia on Wilders here]
Imagine a news network that actually had Robert Spencer, Wafa Sultan, Ibn Warraq, Nonie Darwish as contributors.
Imagine a news network that had Steve Coughlin as its military correspondent. [Backround here]
Imagine a news network that covered the people's movement accurately and fully as the others covered Casey Anthony, Natalee Holloway, car chases, snowstorms, etc.
Imagine... (I'll stop channeling Lennon here.)