The Family Research Council sets out the issue clearly:
The Bible speaks consistently and forcefully about the need for justice throughout society. But the term "social justice" has become a code-term used by the Religious Left to mean everything from socialized medicine to redistribution of income. Their argument goes like this: Since God wants Christians to show compassion to the poor, government should work to meet the needs of everyone. But this argument is, oddly, a form of merging the roles of the church and state--something the Left says it opposes--and thoughtful conservatives should oppose. Faith and policy are closely linked but the institutional roles of church and state are, as our Founders recognized, distinct.
Last week, talk show host Glenn Beck said on his program, "I beg you, look for the words 'social justice' or 'economic justice' on your church website. If you find it, run as fast as you can." To which Jim Wallis, a leader of the Religious Left, responded that
Beck "attacks the very heart of our Christian faith, and Christians should no longer watch his show." Wallis's comments indicate how deeply Beck's comments cut. He has been the Left's main proponent of merging the biblical idea of justice with the liberal agenda to transform America into a place where the government orchestrates all facets of the economy. The Bible teaches that the state has a very limited role, a view reflected in the Constitution. One of those roles is not mandating coercive charity- taking from some people to give to others, in the name of "compassion."
That's not compassion--it's theft. And as the failed social programs of the past 40 years have shown, when Big Government usurps the role of churches, private charities, and voluntary associations, it creates dependence on programs that just don't work. So we support true social justice: a transcendent understanding that all human life is sacred, that our liberty is granted by God, and that happiness is ours to pursue. It leads us to seek policies that establish: fair tax policy, economic freedom, greater opportunity for all, and protections for the weak from criminals. But to those who wish to cloak political liberalism in the guise of biblical language, beware. Being a wolf in sheep's clothing is something Scripture strongly condemns.
Update: Prof. Ben Witherington, whose Biblical and historical scholarship I esteem highly, misses the ball badly in his "Reply to Glenn Beck."