Excuse me, but I find this idiotic. Click here.
Ed Morissey has it right:
It makes us look weak and afraid of radical Islamists in general. It also makes us look dishonest, and it insults the intelligence of everyone Obama aims to impress. This kind of exercise asks Muslims to engage in intellectual dishonesty, rather than challenge them to oppose the radical Islamists in their midst and defeat that ideology.
Me: But Morrissey is too kind by half. This is an administration that is half-witted. Better make that 1/4 witted. I happened to hear Rush Limbaugh for a few minutes today. I think he's right when he concluded that President Obama sees every problem and threat in the world as America's fault, and if we play nicey nice, everybody will love us. Oh Lord, save us from Ivy League intellectuals like Obama. (I am not taking the Lord's name in vain. It is a sincere prayer of mine.)
Here are Limbaugh's actual words:
So this is it. Obama and his idealists, young whippersnappers, think the United States is the problem. We are attacked because we deserve to be. We have been imperialists, we've overstepped our bounds in the world, it's totally understandable why they would attack us and commit acts of terror against us. . .
So the premise is we deserve it. We should have been hit. It's time we face the facts, and to prevent them from hitting us again, we have to acknowledge that. Stop calling them Islamic radicals, stop calling them terrorists, instead build them hospitals. I can't imagine what it must be like to be in a family who lost someone in 9/11 to hear about this guy's plans for the Muslim world. . .
If we can't call Islamic radicals "Islamic radicals," we shouldn't call rapists "rapists." We should call them "uninvited perpetrators," or "penetrators," if you wish. Murderer? Do you think people like being called a murderer, even if they are? Do you think that's going to forge a decent relationship with murderers? All we do is put 'em in prison, we make 'em even angrier. And calling them murderers is even worse. We just need to call them something vague, like a "carbon footprint reducer." That covers all kinds of political correct ground.
Serial killer? Who wants to be called a serial killer? Doesn't that offend people? We don't want to have an outreach to serial killers, do we? "Global warming warrior." Call a serial killer a "global warming warrior" 'cause that's a massive carbon footprint reduction.