HotAir covers the story well and includes a portion of a Sally Quinn interview with Graham. He doesn't back down from his 2001 statement in which he referred to Islam as "a very evil and wicked religion." He cites Islam's treatment of women.
“[I]f you look at what the religion does just to women, women alone, it is just horrid. And so yes, I speak out for women…”
I honor Franklin Graham's forthrightness. "Political correctness" tyranny must be broken by men and women with the courage to speak the truth. Bravo!
Unfortunately, the media turns a blind eye to anything negative about Islam. Take the attempted censorship of the signs on buses in south Florida offering help to those wanting to leave Islam. You hadn't heard? Read the CNS coverage, one of only two news outlets to cover the story.
Then there's also the media cover-up of Ohio jihadist's arrest. Of related interest is Comedy Central's submission to Islamic intimidation.
I was shocked (and encouraged), that CNN interviewed Ayaan Hirsi Ali a couple of days ago. She's an outspoken critic of Islam.