- Update 4/18/10 - Pamela Geller writes:
Looks like Muslims and apostates who want to be free are in desperate need of the SIOA bus ads. Miami Dade capitulated to Muslim Brotherhood bullying and supremacism and killed the ads, and we are suing.
- (Original Post) Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer have teamed up to found a new movement: "SIOA" - "Stop the Islamization of America." They have created signs on Miami buses that offer help and hope to those who fear being killed by relatives or other Muslims should they choose to leave Islam. Pamela Geller writes:
This is the first time anyone has offered public help to those who are threatened under Islam's apostasy law. In the Land of the Free, government and law enforcement should be on this. But they aren't. So we are. It is time for free citizens to stand for freedom -- or lose it.
Here are some photos:
Geller says the ad campaign is designed to counter the deceptive bus campaigns that Muslim Brotherhood groups (CAIR, ICNA, ISNA) have sponsored across the country inviting conversion to Islam (dawah) such as the following:
Pamela Geller's message to those contemplating leaving Islam is:
America is the land of the free, and apostates must know they are free here. Safe here.
Rifqa Bary can do it. So can you. Freedom of religion is an unalienable right. Sharia law holds no weight or legitimacy here. Apostates are deliciously free to leave Islam and be who and whatever that want to be.
That was the objective of the bus campaign created for SIOA and FDI. We set up a website RefugefromIslam.org for would-be apostates from Islam.
We want to help.
Me: Good for Pamela and Robert!
UPDATE: Robert announces it here.