What does one say about a woman like Kathryn Blundell, who says breastfeeding is creepy? She claims she wants her body back and doesn't want a "teeny, tiny, innocent baby latching on where only a lover has been before." I kid you not. That is Blundell's published statement. And believe it or not, she is the editor of the parenting magazine, Mother & Baby. Lori Ziganto offers her take:
What bothers me immensely is the fact that women now see their breasts as “fun bags” and as something meant for “lovers” only and not as a part of nurturing and motherhood. This concept epitomizes the very worst in female and motherhood degradation and it shows just how much damage the “sexual empowerment” fallacy, pushed by the Leftist Femisogynists, has caused. The thought that women should exist solely as sex objects is now rampant — even amongst women themselves.
The theory behind this whole article, in a woman’s parenting magazine, is that motherhood and nurturing a child is, as they always claim, a punishment. Something that results in the cramping of one’s “empowered” style. Sex is super fun! Motherhood? Not so much. Also, creepy. And anyone who says otherwise is a nutty wing nut liar!
They have ended up diminishing women and womanhood itself with these constant attempts to demonize motherhood and to try to turn it into a punishment and a detriment to one’s happiness. Instead of realizing that being a life bearing nurturer is one of the very best things about being a woman and is an attribute in and of itself, they constantly try to take that away, all in the name of some delusional perceived equality via sexual empowerment. [more . . .]
Me: Blundell represents the creepiness of a culture out of its mind, a culture in rebellion against the "created order" which God designed for the flourishing of all.