- Update 6/28/10 - Russ Roberts explains in today's Wall Street Journal why Friedrich Hayek is making a comeback.
- (Original post) I just checked National Review's Corner blog. John J. Miller reports:
At this precise moment, The Road to Serfdom, originally published in 1944, is the #1 bestselling book on Amazon.com.
Ah... would you say Glenn Beck influences book sales? Miller's report prompted me to seek more information. I found this at the Hayekcenter.org:
I just got off the phone with Stephanie Hlywak of the U. of Chicago Press and it’s official — the U. of Chicago Press is SOLD OUT of copies of Friedrich Hayek’s classic The Road to Serfdom after selling over 13,000 copies in less than 24 hours, after the broadcast of Glenn Beck’s show on Hayek and his timeless book.
Beck seems to be a one-man educational enterprise. Good for him!
Update 6/15/10 - Thanks to Mike's comment and link, here's a YouTube video rapping the differences between John Maynard Keynes and F.A. Hayek: