Of the making of Bibles there seems no end. This week I learned (from the Bulletin of the New York C.S. Lewis Society) that something called the "C.S. Lewis Bible" will be released October 26, 2010. No, this will not be a Bible of Lewis's own making, but apparently a Bible with "thoughts from Lewis" strewn here and there. The statement reads,
This New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) Bible includes additional readings comprised of selections from Lewis's celebrated spiritual classics, a collection that includes Mere Christianity, The Screwtape Letters, The Great Divorce, The Problem of Pain, Miracles, A Grief Observed, The Weight of Glory and The Abolition of Man, as well as letters, poetry, and Lewis's less-familiar works. Each reading, paired alongside relevant passages in the Bible, offers C.S. Lewis as a companion to a reader's daily meditation of scripture.
Me: My first reaction was "oh my goodness, this is going a bit far." On the other hand, it will be interesting to see what the publishers come up with.
Speaking of C.S. Lewis, readers might enjoy perusing the "Into the Wardrobe," a website where, among other things, one can find a number of online academic papers that look interesting. The site also has numerous forums and links to various online resources, including the C.S. Lewis Institute. There one can access numerous lectures and papers on Christian thought from many sources. The numerous legacy recordings, in particular, caught my attention.