Story here. Lots of photos. Pamela Geller:
Robert and I were expecting 500; imagine our wonder when close to 5,000 showed up. This is just the beginning. We are going to sue to designate the Burlington building a war memorial. There is a large piece of an airplane in that building. That is a war memorial. Instead of a mega mosque at ground zero, let's build a 911 war memorial to the victims. The current plan for a 911 museum is several floors underground, like a dungeon. And the mosque plan calls for the mosque to be on the top floor, looking down triumphantly on the burial ground of Ground Zero.
I don't think so. The Burlington building must be a war memorial, an historic landmark. We will sue to make that happen. We will protest again in September and stage sit-ins in front of the mosque should they try to break ground. Three thousand good and decent Americans did not die in vain. [more . . .]
Will we see press coverage of this event? Next to none. Speaking of press coverage. British author Melanie Phillips writes of the "Alternative Universe of the Western Left" in which facts mean nothing and commentators' statements are routinely so ill-informed it is embarrassing.