Obama. Seems so. So much for "The One's" brilliant foreign policy. Nile Gardiner writes:
What a difference 18 months and an oil spill makes. In January 2009 Barack Obama was hugely popular on this side of the Atlantic, and could have walked on water in the eyes of the British media, the political elites, and the general public. In June 2010 however he probably qualifies as the most despised US president since Nixon among the British people. . . [more . . .]
- Victor Davis Hanson writes about "The Great Anglo-American Spat".
- From NRO - Today marks the 70th anniversary of Sir Winston's "finest hour" speech — delivered in the House of Commons in the aftermath of the tenebrous "Miracle at Dunkirk," even as the Nazis marched on Paris. You can read the whole thing here, and listen to audio here.