Kevin Hassett offers a chilling analysis of Obamacare in an article titled, "Obamacare Only Looks Worse Upon Further Review." It seems we've elected to Congress either a group of idiots or treasonous adversaries of the public good. This healthcare overhaul will accelerate the ruin the Obama administration determines to bring on the United States of America. Read Hassett's article.
Update: Actually it may be worse than the above chart. Ed Morrissey:
It seems clear that Congress just authorized a self-perpetuating bureaucracy, one that can expand on its own and make determinations far outside of the boundaries Democrats promised during the ObamaCare debate. And if that’s true, then it is equally true that the claims made on the cost of administering ObamaCare had no real basis in fact. How can one estimate a cost for a bureaucracy that is entirely undefined in size and scope?
Brady probably didn’t create the chart above as a best-case scenario, but that may be indeed what it is, at least in terms of certainty.