Subtitled "The Insider's Guide to Pro-Family News," The Family Research Council has posted yet another collection of valuable links to current articles on a variety of themes. (I have posted previous editions here and here.) Themes include educational freedom, environmental issues, faith and policy, health care, homosexuality in the military, judiciary, family economics, marriage and family, religious liberty, and sanctity of human life. Be sure to click the "Continue reading" link at the bottom of this post.
Educational Freedom and Reform
- "Department of Health and Human Services "encourages LGBT-inclusive sex ed"," Alliance Alert, Alliance Defense Fund
- "New York's Lake Woebegon Effect," Sol Stern, City Journal
- "Minnesota Resists Common Core State Standards," Ben Boychuk, School Reform News
- "As Race to the Top competition intensifies, so do education reforms," Amanda Paulson, Christian Science Monitor
- "Senate Clears Way for $26 Billion State Aid Bill," Warren Mass, The New American
- "An Avalanche of Reform?," James Hall, The Heritage Foundation
- "Professor fired over offensive views of homosexuality gets $100,000 -- but not her job back," Lisa M. Krieger,
- "Court Upholds Expulsion of Counseling Student Who Opposes Homosexuality," Todd Starnes, Fox News
"Worldview Conflicts in Education: Origins of Unbelief in America?," Robert Acuff, The Colson Center
Environmental Issues
- "More on Climategate", Clive Crook, The Atlantic
- "Keep the Gulf Oil Rig Disaster in Context," Mackubin T. Owens, Ashbrook Institute
- "AP Enterprise: Scientists think Gulf can recover,"
- "Energy Subsidies Prove Unsustainable," Kelsey Huber, The Heritage Foundation
- "California Assembly Votes to Ban Plastic Shopping Bags," Alyssa Carducci, Environment & Climate News
Faith and Policy
- "Be Fruitful and Multiply?," Ruth Moon, Christianity Today
- "Killing a Church," Mark Tooley, The American Spectator
- "Lutheran World Federation Misses the Mark on Work and Wealth," Jordan Ballor, Acton Institute
- "Obama's Overdue AIDS Bill," Desmond Tutu, New York Times
- "A Strict Wall of Separation Between Morality and State," Tom Gilson, Evangel
Health Care
- "ObamaCare Previews," David Prentice, Family Research Council
- "Federal Court Allows Challenge to Obamacare," Ken Klukowski,
- "ObamaCare and the Constitution--An Update," Betsy McCaughey, The Wall Street Journal
- "Missouri Overwhelmingly Rejects ObamaCare Mandatory Insurance Scheme," Wesley J. Smith, Secondhand Smoke
- "ObamaCare Smothering Us on Bureaucracy," Wesley J. Smith, Secondhand Smoke
Homosexuality in the Military
- "Military Homosexual Scandal Tied to WikiLeaks Treason," Cliff Kincaid, Accuracy in Media
- "Homosexuals in the Military," Mackubin T. Owens, Ashbrook Institute
- Jon Kyl's Devastating Case Against Elena Kagan," Ken Klukowski, Family Research Council
- "Senate confirms Kagan as 112th justice,"
- "Delegitimizing the Roberts Court," David Marion, Ashbrook Institute
- "Appeal filed over gay marriage ruling in Calif.,"
- "The Ninth Circuit Experience," Christopher Orlet, American Spectator
Marriage and Family
Family Economics
- "Fertility's New Legal Front," Ashby Jones, The Wall Street Journal
- "The Democratic Fisc," Opinion, The Wall Street Journal
- "100 stimulus projects that give taxpayers the blues," Senators Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.)
- "Taxes: A Defining Issue," Daniel Henninger, The Wall Street Journal
- "America's Ruling Class -- And the Perils of Revolution," Angelo M. Codevilla, The American Spectator
- "Extend All the Bush Tax Cuts," Rep. Paul Ryan, Human Events
- "Marriage and the Constitution," Ken Blackwell,
- "A Higher Federal Court Has Already Rejected Same-Sex Marriage-on Procreation Grounds," Peter Sprigg, Family Research Council
- "Proposed Gay Rights Ordinance Stirs Heated Debate in Michigan Town," Joshua Rhett Miller, Fox News
- "Target CEO fends off gay backlash over PAC cash," Jason Hoppin, St. Paul Pioneer Press
- "Gay Marriage in California," Public Policy Polling
- "Homosexualist Group Side-Steps Normal UN Procedure to Gain NGO Status with U.S. Help," James Tillman,
- "Study: "47% of gay couples have sex agreements, only 45% monogomous"," Alliance Alert, Alliance Defense Fund
- "Childhood abuse and homosexuality linked in study," Jarrod Booker, The New Zealand Herald
- "Race And Gay Marriage In Perspective," Ta-Nehisi Coates, The Atlantic
- "Japan child porn cases surge to record high," AFP
- "Editorial: Breaking the law is wrong way to get tougher laws," Sheboygan Press
- "Stamping Out Child Pornography," Wheeling News-Register
- "Porn shocks Indonesia," Hein Htet Pyi Soe,
- "U.S. District judge drops porn charges against video producer John A. Stagliano, " Spencer S. Hsu, The Washington Post
Religious Liberty
- "Praying Pro-life Student Arrested in Chicago," Mary McHugh, The New American
- "It's The Imam, Not The Mosque ," Jordan Sekulow, American Council for Law and Justice
- "Federal Judge Upholds Dismissal of Counseling Student Who Balked at Treating Gay Clients," Peter Schmidt, The Chronicle of Higher Education
- "Love Divine: One Lesbian's Decision for Chastity in the Church," Chuck Colson, Crosswalk
- "What is the Future of Evangelicalism?," Joe Carter, Evangel
- "Judge: Runaway Christian Girl Not Required to Reunite With Muslim Parents," Associated Press
- "Obama Retreats From "Religious Freedom" to "Freedom of Worship"." James Heiser, The New American
- "Augusta State Univ. to counseling student: change your beliefs or get out," Alliance Defense Fund
Sanctity of Life
- "Disturbing Trends for Young Girls," Jeanne Monahan, Family Research Council
- "Eggsploitation," David Prentice, Family Research Council
- "Evidence of Atrocious Medical Care by Abortionists," Chris Gacek, Family Research Council
- "A Black Hole for Babies and Bucks: Planned Parenthood Hides Facts about Abortions and Tax Dollars," Rita Diller, The Washington Times
- "The Lure of Sewing on Alligators," Hadley Arkes, The Catholic Thing
- Another Pill That Could Cause a Revolution," Nicholas D. Kristof, New York Times
- "Latin American Economic Summit Promotes Abortion, Condemns "Lesbophobia"," Susan Yoshihara, Ph.D., Amanda Pawloski, C-Fam
- "Obama's Abortion Imperialism," David Allott, The American Spectator
- "After Haiti's quake, a flurry of adoptions," Ginger Thompson, Minneapolis Star-Tribune
- "When (and Why) Adoption Goes Awry," Lisa Belkin, New York Times
- "Finding Mom on Facebook.," Belinda Luscombe, Time
- "With N.Y. Pastor's Help, A Haitian Orphanage Is Reborn," Bob Braun, Crosswalk
- "Craig Venter on the Human Genome Sequence, Life, and Francis Collins," David Prentice, Family Research Council
- "What It Takes to Become a Living Donor," Melinda Beck, The Wall Street Journal
- "Taking science back from the scientists," T.J. Martin, Eureka Street
- "Gay Men Condemn Blood Ban as Biased," Jacqueline Mroz, New York Times
- "Redesigning Humans: Is It Inevitable?," Kerby Anderson, Rightly Concerned
- "IVF children more likely to develop cancer," Rebecca Smith, The Telegraph (U.K)
- "Science and the Future of Cloning: Is Immortality Possible?," Patrick Takahashi, The Huffington Post
Stem Cell Research
Dr. David Prentice Articles
- "Adult Stem Cell Trial for Spinal Cord Injury in U.S.," David Prentice, Family Research Council
- "Adult Stem Cell Research Far Ahead of Embryonic," David Prentice, Kansas Liberty
- "iPS Cell "Memory" and Stem Cell Confusion," David Prentice, Family Research Council
- "Geron Cleared by FDA to Endanger Patients," David Prentice, Family Research Council
- "Windpipes made with Adult Stem Cells Help Cancer Patients," David Prentice, Family Research Council
- "Dick Van Dyke: Spokesperson for Adult Stem Cells," David Prentice, Family Research Council
- "Stem Cell States of Fear and Celebration," David Prentice, Family Research Council
Other Stem Cell Articles of Interest
- "Adult Stem Cell Research Far Ahead of Embryonic," Associated Press
- "AP Surprises With Article Noting Adult Stem Cell Research Outpacing Embryonic," Steven Ertelt,
Other News for Social Conservatives
- "Happy Birthday, Mr. President ," Robert Morrison, American Thinker
"Boy Scouts Build Men," Rob Schwarzwalder, Family Research Council
"Our Divisive President," Patrick H. Caddell and Douglas E. Schoen, The Wall Street Journal
"Regaining a Sense of Taste in Political Leadership," Hunter Baker, Acton Institute
"Hide-and-Seek Hypocrites on the Hill," Michelle Malkin, Human Events
"Evangelical Lutheran pulpits welcome non-celibate gay pastors," Sudhin Thanawala,
"Freedom of Conscience in Catholic Hospital," Susan Jacoby, Big Questions Online
"US Rams Through UN Approval of Homosexual Group that Opposes Religious Freedom," Samantha Singson, C-Fam
Nuncio to Iraq Appointed as New Head of Holy See Mission to UN," Terrence McKeegan, J.D., C-Fam
"The Arizona Lesson," Heather Mac Donald, City Journal
"Annals of executive overreach," Charles Krauthammer, The Washington Post
"The Sources of American Renewal," Wilfred M. McClay, The Claremont Institute
"Bubbles, Bubbles, Toils and Troubles," Robert J. Samuelson, The Claremont Institute