Pamela Gellar (depicted with the "No Mosque" blouse) provides the link to the drawing below:
Does the scene above remind you of anything? I looked at the Pelosi figure and immediately thought of Fairy Hardcastle in C.S.Lewis's That Hideous Strength. And then I discovered that a commenter had made the same connection:
Nancy Pelosi in this picture reminds me too much of Fairy Hardcastle in CS Lewis’s novel That Hideous Strength. The whole thing about her and all the progs just might be prophetic if Obamacare gets its way. N.I.C.E. in C.S. Lewis’s novel (the National Institute of Co-Ordinated Experiments) is eerily similar to what they want to do with health care as well as for anyone who disagrees with them and their evil and wicked worldview. In the end God always wins.