I side with "Dr. Zero" who writes (excerpt):
Political control is what’s killing us. It is expressed in hundreds of ways: high tax rates with carefully tailored exceptions, massive bailouts, laws rigged to favor government-controlled industries, restrictions on resource development, and a vast poppy field of subsidies and penalties. The Democrats have added thousands of pages of fabulously expensive legislation since Obama took office. Two messages echo through those pages: Obey and be rewarded. Resist and be punished. . . .
Here’s the deal, Democrats: you don’t get any more billions to spend. You don’t get to pick the next group of winners and losers in the free market. You don’t get to decide who “deserves” a tax cut. You don’t get to hand us the invoice for this bloated government and tell us we need to figure out a way to pay for it. You don’t get to blame deficits on the people who haven’t surrendered enough of their livelihood to you. You do not get to insist every piece of this government’s sprawling machinery is indispensible, while every slice of our lives is negotiable. . . [more . . .]