Update 10/20/10 - Chuck Colson offers thoughts on what the Chilean Miners' experience offers the church.
- (Original post) - A friend e-mailed me a report from a worker with Campus Crusade for Christ:
Probably you were watching on TV the rescue of the miners in Chile, and maybe you noticed a T Shirt many were wearing. All those T Shirts are a gift from Campus Crusade for Christ Chile. The front reads: “Gracias Señor, Thank You Lord” and on the back; Psalm 95:4 "Porque en su mano están las profundidades de la tierra, y las alturas de los montes son suyas" “In his hand are the depths of the earth; the heights of the mountains are his also”. The idea was to glorify our Lord with all this and also to express our love and concern for them by giving them the Jesus Film and the Bible in audio through the MP3s. They received many gifts from outside Organizations, but they decided to wear our T Shirts for the rescue, and we praise God for this. . .
CBN video: