Stanley Kurtz spent two years digging into the archives to tell us what journalists (so-called) didn't have the time, inclination, or courage to do. He has written a bombshell of a book, Radical-in-Chief: Barack Obama and the Untold Story of American Socialism. This is not a quickie, superficial, hatchet job. Hugh Hewitt, himself a lawyer and talk-show host, repeats over and over again in his interview with Kurtz how solid, exhaustive, and meticulus is Kurtz's research. Is Obama a socialist? Unquestionably "yes." Has he always been one? "Yes." Has he sought to cover that up? "Yes" Is division part of the socialist strategy? "Yes." It's all in the book and in the evidence. Hugh Hewitt's interview with Stanley Kurtz provides an excellent overview, as does Kathryn Jean Lopez's own extensive interview.