-- Turkish propaganda film against Israel - sure to inflame the Turkish population. I find vicious propaganda such as this utterly ugly. Without a love of truth the world becomes hell. Click here (HT: Drudge)
-- Afghan convert to Christianity charged with crimes punishable by death. Another example of Islam's intolerance of any other religion. UGH!! Yesterday churches around the world recognized "The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church." How needful! Click here. (HT: Atlas Shrugs)
Update: Mindy Belz, writing for World magazine, reports:
Sayed Mossa handed a letter to a Westerner who came to visit him several times in jail in Afghanistan. He also asked the visitor not to come back, fearing that any misstep could lead to his death.
The letter, a copy of which WORLD received in late October, begins with a plea "to the international church of the world and to the President Brother [Barack] Obama and to the heads of ISAF force in Afghanistan." It describes his imprisonment since late May "due to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, saviour of the world." It also describes daily beatings and torture: "They did sexual things with me, beat me by wood, by hands, by legs, mocked me ("he's Jesus Christ"), [spit] on me. No body let me for sleep night and day." He also has received death threats. . .