** David Brooks argues liberal economists need to factor in human psychology (like anxiety & fear) a lot more than they do. "It’s one thing to hatch an ideal policy in an academic lab, but in the real world, context is everything."
** Thomas Sowell tells Congress to put the kibosh on deficit-reduction commissions: "Do you go ahead and spend the rent money and the food money — and then ask somebody else to tell you how to escape the consequences?" More...
** Dennis Prager - "The Liberal mind rejects sad facts."
[...]Leftism is often predicated on avoiding pain. That is a major reason why the Left dislikes capitalism and free markets. . . Second, the Left lives by theories and dogmas into which the facts of life must fit. That is why left-wing ideas are usually wishful thinking.
Prager illustrates and expands the two statements above brilliantly. Don't miss his article.