Update 10/19/10 - New (Brilliant) Airport Profiling: Young Caucasian Women in Skirts
Original post-Sanity is nowhere to be found. Instead of logical profiling, we have this: (HT: Drudge)
Jim Loft over at Gateway Pundit posts:
-- Former Top TSA Official: “Nobody Likes Having Their 4th Amendment Rights Violated… We’re Going to Have to Do It” (Video)
-- 35,000 Naked Scanner Images Found Stored at Florida Courthouse
-- It’s All About Securing Freedom… TSA Agents Now Sticking Hands Down Your Pants
Me: It's beyond weird. It's ridiculous and disgusting. I have no desire to fly on an airplane. Are buses and train stations next? Then shopping malls? Football stadiums?
Update 11/17/10 -
-- Big Sis Considers Giving Exemptions to Muslim Women at Airports (Video)
Jim Loft writes:"
You’ve got to be kidding? Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano is considering giving exemptions to Muslim women at airports.
Isn’t that the reason that we have these intrusive groin checks in the first place?… Because of Muslim bombers?
Gee… It’s not like we’ve ever heard about a terrorist hiding under a burka before. Jailed cleric Maulana Abdul Aziz, one of two brothers who ran Islamabad’s radical Red Mosque, was caught fleeing the violence at his mosque dressed in a burka. This was after he told his students to sacrifice themselves. At least 100 people died, mostly students, when security forces stormed the mosque in a bid to end the siege and flush out pro-Taliban militants from the complex.
Update #2
Washington Times editorial - "Big Sister's Police State"
Cheney Takes Swipe At Obama at Groundbreaking Ceremony: “This May Be the Only Shovel Ready Project in America” (Video)
A slimmed Dick Cheney took a swipe at Barack Obama today at the groundbreaking ceremony of the Bush Library:
“This may be the only shovel ready project in America.”
CBS has more on Cheney’s speech today.
At groundbreaking ceremony in Dallas for the George W. Bush Presidential Center today, former Vice President Dick Cheney said “history is beginning to come around” to a more positive view of former President George W. Bush…
…He spoke admiringly of Mr. Bush’s actions in the wake of the Sept. 11th attacks, telling the former president that “because you were determined to throw back the enemy, we did not suffer another 9/11 or something even worse.”
Cheney, who (unlike Mr. Bush) has been a vocal critic of President Obama, also took a shot at the current administration. Speaking of his expectation that construction would move quickly on the presidential center following the groundbreaking, Cheney quipped that “this may be the only shovel ready project in America.” The reference was to the Obama-supported stimulus package that Republicans have criticized as ineffective.
It must really hurt those democrats to know that Cheney’s right.
Boehner Challenges Constitutionality of Obamacare
GOP Leader John Boehner filed an amicus brief today challenging the constitutionality of Obamacare.
The Note reported:
Speaker-in-waiting John Boehner, R-Ohio, filed an amicus brief Tuesday challenging the constitutionality of the individual mandate in the health care law passed by Democrats earlier this year.
“ObamaCare is a job-killer, and our economy simply cannot afford this unprecedented, unconstitutional power grab by the federal government,” Boehner stated Tuesday evening. “That is why Republicans will continue standing with the American people and fighting to repeal ObamaCare and replace it with better solutions put forth in the Pledge to America to lower health care costs and protect American jobs.”
Boehner’s amicus brief was filed in support of a lawsuit brought by 20 state attorneys general and the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB), the nation’s largest small business association. The brief seeks to overturn what Boehner says is a “government takeover of health care that is costing jobs, increasing costs, and jeopardizing coverage for millions of Americans.”
“I’m proud to join these states and the NFIB in their ongoing effort to overturn this job-killing health care law and protect American workers from its devastating impact.” Boehner said.
In the brief, Boehner says that the Obama Administration has distorted the Constitution to increase congressional power, which in turn compromises the integrity of the legislative process, and undermines accountability to the American people.
At least 26 states, a majority, are expected to join the suit against Obamacare.
Bitter Murkowski Blames DeMint For Costing GOP Majority
Just think… Only 6 more years of listening to this horrid RINO attacking conservatives and conservative causes. That ought to be a loads of fun.
Today bitter Senator Lisa Murkowski blamed Senator Jim DeMint for Republicans losing the majority.
The Politico reported:
After ripping Sarah Palin, Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski isn’t mincing words about another one of her high-profile GOP critics: South Carolina Sen. Jim DeMint.
“I think some of the Republicans in the Congress feel pretty strongly that he and his actions potentially cost us the majority by encouraging candidates that ended up not being electable,” Murkowski told POLITICO outside her Senate office. “And I think Delaware is a pretty good example of that, and I think there’re some folks that feel that DeMint’s actions didn’t necessarily help the Republican majority.”
Murkowski suggested the South Carolina conservative and favorite of the tea party seemed more interested in bolstering his own political standing rather than that of the Republican Party.
“So the real question is, what’s his desire?” she said. “Does he want to help the Republican majority, or is he on his own agenda, his own initiative?”
Did she actually just question Jim DeMint’s agenda? She is god-awful… Absolutely awful.
Breaking: Stick a Fork In It… Dem Melissa Bean Goes Down in Flames- Joe Walsh Takes IL District 8 …Update: Bean Concedes
From a trusted source…
Republican Joe Walsh leads Obama-Pelosi liberal Melissa Bean by 297 votes in the Illinois District 8 Congressional election.
There are only 80 provisional ballots left to count.
Not even Bruno the Bone-Crusher can save Melissa Bean now:
Rep. Melissa Bean (D-IL) brought Bruno the Bone-Crusher with her to a town hall meeting in August to threaten constituents. The meeting was held at Round Lake, Illinois Public library on Thursday August 12. The Obamacare-supporting democrat allowed the thug to roam around the room to intimidate constituents from asking questions.
Buh-Bye, Melissa Bean.
More… FOX News is now reporting that Walsh has widened his lead over Bean.
UPDATE: From sources– Melissa Bean is holding a press conference on Wednesday. Bean conceded the race tonight.