Letter from Chuck Colson, Dr. Robert George, and Dr. Timothy George:
Dear Friends,
We sent a letter to Steve Jobs at Apple asking that our app be reinstated to the company's iTunes and iPhone application store (read that letter HERE). Despite having approved and posted the app on its online store in October--and giving the app a 4+ rating for "no objectionable content"--Apple quietly pulled the app from its site over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.
Although Apple has not communicated directly with us, a public relations representative from Apple told Family News in Focus radio that the app violated Apple's developer guidelines by being "offensive to large groups of people." Apple's action followed a small but vocal protest from pro-gay "marriage" and pro-abortion groups.
1. CONTACT: Email or call Steve Jobs and tell him why he should reinstate the Manhattan Declaration app to the iTunes Store. Email him at [email protected] or call his media team at (408) 996-1010.
2. SIGN: Sign our petition to have the app reinstate the app. Apple listened to a small group of dissenters and took action, so we expect they will take action when every Manhattan Declaration signer signs this petition.
3. RECRUIT: Get all of your pro-life, pro-marriage, pro-religious liberty friends to read and sign the Manhattan Declaration. We need to grow in both unity and numbers if we hope to have our voices heard.
4. GET SOCIAL: Use your Facebook, Twitter, and other social media accounts to keep the discussion going. We have been engaging countless people through our Facebook and Twitter pages--and you should too.
Chuck Colson
Dr. Robert George
Dr. Timothy George
The Manhattan Declaration is a non-partisan statement of conscience in defense of human life, traditional marriage and religious freedom. Visit us at ManhattanDeclaration.org |