These compilations from a variety of sources by the Family Research Council continue to offer interested people a gold mine. A new edition appears every two weeks. Readers will find in each a wealth of information not readily found elsewhere. For previous reviews I've posted, click here. For a complete list of articles from this latest edition, click "continue reading" below.
Educational Freedom and Reform
- "School District Says Parent Needs License To Homeschool," Home School Legal Defense Association
- "Bill to ease homeschool restrictions gets support," Tom Humphrey, Knoxville News-Sentinel
Legislation and Policy Proposals
- "The 'Education' Mantra," Thomas Sowell, RealClearPolitics
- "Education level inversely related to childbearing," Cheryl Wetzstein, The Washington Times
- "The Coming Brave New World of Higher Education," Dick Bishirjian, The Washington Times
- "DC Children Can Thank Boehner--and Randomized Trials," Paul E. Peterson,
- "Tiger Mom: Here's how to reshape U.S. education," Amy Chua, USA Today
- "Closing the Door on Education Innovation," Greg Forster, The Public Discourse
- "Conservative 'Manifesto' Blasts Shared Curriculum,Tests," Catherine Gewertz, Education Week
Government Reform
- "Hardships of Ethanol," Louie Glinzak, The Acton Institute
- "Senators blame speculation for high oil prices, urge stronger regulation," Kevin G. Hall, The Miami Herald
- "Government Creates Poverty," John Stossel, Reason
- "Debt and the Birth Dearth," Jordan J. Ballor, The Acton Institute
- "Hey, Big Spender," Nick Schulz, The Enterprise Blog
- "Of course it's perilous," Opinion, Chicago Tribune
Health Care
- "UN Wants Billions for STD Vaccination Scheme," Susan Yoshihara, The Friday Fax
- "Care Net still teaches sex education in Manatee County despite policy change; Planned Parenthood still excluded," Ashley Lopez, The Florida Independent
- "Age-appropriate sex ed sparks hot debate in Illinois Senate," Hannah Hess, St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Conscience Protection
- "On "the Unborn," the Media, and the Conscience," Rob Schwarzwalder, Family Research Council
- ACLU Ploy Would Force Hospitals to Perform Abortions, Matt Bowman, Human Events
- "New Conscience Regulations from the Department of Health & Human Services: Do They Strike the Right Balance Between Conscience and the Medical Profession? - Event Audio/Video," M. Gregg Bloche, Farr A. Curlin, Robert A. Destro, Jessie Hill, and Mark L. Rienzi, The Federalist Society
Health care reform: Political and Legislative efforts
- "Please Actually Read My Research," Alex Brill, The American
- "Doctors, Not Politicians, Should Decide," Grace-Marie Turner, The Enterprise Blog
- "National Health Preview," The Wall Street Journal
- "On Spending Cuts, Democrats Give Voters the Brush Off," Fred Barnes, Wall Street Journal
- "Sebelius: 'Die sooner' with GOP plan," J. Lester Feder, Politico
- "Will Ken Cuccinelli's Health-Care Challenge be Sidelined?," Garrett Epps, The Atlantic
- "Opposing view: Set aside the decision," Tony Perkins, USA Today
- "Jim Wallis, Homosexuality, and Genuine Love," Rob Schwarzwalder, Family Research Council
- "Presbyterians, homosexuality, & another tragedy in mainline Protestantism," R. Albert Mohler, Jr., Baptist Press
- "In MN, A Legislator Insults and Threatens a Parish Priest over Marriage Vote (+How We Can Respond)," Thomas Peters,
- "Same-Sex Marriage and the Assault on Institutional Integrity," Matthew J. Franck, The Public Discourse
- "Pro-marriage U.S. Olympic official forced to resign after criticism from gay activists," Rebecca Millette,
- "Navy Suspends Guidelines for Same-Sex Marriages on Bases," Sara Sorcher, National Journal
- "Deportation of partner in same-sex couple halted," Samantha Henry, Forbes
Human Life and Bioethics
- "More Likely to Be Aborted Than to Be Born," Ryan Bomberger and Jeanne Monahan, National Catholic Register
- "Good enough for bin Laden, good enough for the unborn?," Robert Morrison, The Henrietta Post
- "Young Female Leaders Speaking Out About Girl Scouts of America and Planned Parenthood," Jeanne Monahan, Family Research Council
- "Abortion pill 'less safe than surgery'," Jamie Walker, The Australian
- "Post-Abortion Trauma," Kevin Burke, National Review Online
- "Brave New World of Webcam Abortions," Gary Bauer, Human Events
- "I am Woman, Waging War on Women," Kathryn Jean Lopez, National Review Online
- "Controversial New Hungarian Pro-Life Constitution Signed Into Law," Samantha Singson, The Friday Fax
- "The No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act," Hadley Arkes, The Catholic Thing
- "The Lives Federalists Won't Save," Joe Carter, First Things
- "Ground Zero for Human Rights," Kathryn Jean Lopez, National Review
- "Abortion lobby powers the Democratic money machine," Opinion, The Washington Examiner
- "Oklahoma governor signs bill restricting use of abortion pill in the state," Associated Press
- "Missouri pushes tougher abortion law," Roseann Moring, The News-Leader
Bioethics and Biotechnology
- "Better Living Through Chemistry (If Permitted)," Gilbert Ross, The American
- "People Don't Trust Science When It Becomes Politics," Wesley J. Smith, Secondhand Smoke
- "Market Competition Collision: Eggs Needed for Research," Jennifer Lahl, Center for Bioethics and Culture Network
- "Neurochemical evidence that long-lasting love is possible,"
- "Missouri Pro-Lifers Worried About Tax-Funded Human Cloning," Steven Ertelt,
- "Cloning is cloning is cloning," National Right to Life
Stem Cell Research
- "Second Patient Injected with Embryonic Stem Cell Derivatives," Dr. David Prentice, Family Research Council
- "Appeals Court Allows Federal Embryonic Stem Cell Funding to Continue," Dr. David Prentice, Family Research Council
- "Rule of Law Should Not be Trashed In Name of Stem Cell 'Cures'," Wesley J. Smith, Secondhand Smoke
- "Engineers Patch a Heart: Tissue-Engineering Platform Enables Heart Tissue to Repair Itself," Science Daily
Women's Health
- "Forty Years of Title X Is Enough: The Folly of the McNamara Approach to Family Planning," Robert W. Patterson, The Family in America
- "The Incoherence of Federal Sex Policy: Title X, Medicaid, and the Eisenstadt Decision," Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., The Family in America
Marriage and Family
- "Better Prospects, Lower Cost: The Case for Increasing Foster Care Adoption," Nicholas A. Zill, Ph.D., National Council for Adoption
- "Showdown Looms in Illinois," Matthew A. Rarey, National Catholic Register
- "Change Would Let Religions Out of Same Sex Adoptions," Manya Brachear, Chicago Tribune
Family Economics
- "Jobless Claims in U.S. Unexpectedly Jump Due to Anomalies," Alex Kowalski and Shobhana Chandra, Bloomberg
- "Economists in the Wild," Steven F. Hayward, The Acton Institute
- "Prosperity, Depression, and Progress," Arnold Kling, The American
- "The Keynesian Growth Discount," Opinion, Wall Street Journal
Family Structure
- "Holder Further Undermines DoMA in Immigration Case," Chris Gacek, Family Research Council
- "US Asylum Ruling Belittles China's Brutal One-Child Policy," Terrence McKeegan, C-FAM
- "China's One-Child Plan Faces New Fire," Jeremy Page, The Wall Street Journal
- "On Knowing and Loving," John Mark Reynolds, The Examined Life
- "Divorce and Malta," Jennifer Roche, National Catholic Register
Parental Rights
- "Do Parents' Rights End at the Schoolhouse Gate?," John W. Whitehead, White Mountain Independent
- "Corporal punishment bill falls in House," Tim Eaton, Austin American-Statesman
- "Dirty Tactics of a Growing Dial-a-Porn Empire," Cathy Ruse, Wilson County Times
- "Out of the Porn Darkness," Austin Ruse, The Catholic Thing
- "Folding of Anti-Smut Unit Revives Debate on How to Fight Porn," David Baumann, Main Justice
- "Can We Handle Social Media? Yes, If We Can Handle Self-Government," Joy Pullmann, The Enterprise Blog
- "Don't Reject Social Media, Find a Way to Use It Well," Miriel Thomas, The Enterprise Blog
- "Banned apps: How Apple decides," Ariel Schwartz, Technolog
Religion and Public Policy
Religious Liberty
- "Christian Unity and the Russian Orthodox Church," John Couretas, The Acton Institute
- "Going to Hell," Ken Thomas, The Ashbrook Center
- "Religious freedom in political sphere being eroded by secularism: Vatican," Rebecca Millette,
- "If passed, 'Religious Freedom' amendment would help state outsource services to faith groups," Ashley Lopez, The Florida Independent
Religion in America
- "Understanding Rand," Hunter Baker, The Acton Institute
- "Economic Bell Tolls for Nation's Church Steeples," Cathy Lynn Grossman, Christianity Today
- "Catholics in Politics," Justin Paulette, The Ashbrook Center
- "Muslims in America," Jessica Stern, The National Interest
- "The National Day of Reason Doesn't Have a Prayer," Francis Beckwith, The Catholic Thing
- "Pitzer College in California Adds Major in Secularism," Laurie Goodstein, The New York Times
- "Tim Keller: 'Mushy Middle' in Religion Is Disappearing," Ethan Cole, The Christian Post
International Economy and Family
- "Calling a Rogue a Rogue," Apoorva Shah, American Enterprise Institute
- "Why Isn't China Democratizing? Because It's Not Really Capitalist," Dan Blumenthal, The American
Religious Persecution
- "The Persecution of Egypt's Coptic Christians Continues," Nina Shea, National Review Online
- "Chinese Christians Defend Persecuted Underground Church," Andrew Jacobs, New York Times
- "Muslim Attackers Kill Seventeen Christians in Nigeria," Jonathan Racho,
Sharia law -- U.S., foreign
- "How Should Christians Respond to the Death of bin Laden?," Rob Schwarzwalder, Family Research Council
- "In Case You Missed It," Robinson O'Brien-Bours, The Ashbrook Center
- "Politics after Osama," Jonah Goldberg, American Enterprise Institute
- "Punishing Friends for the Behavior of Enemies," Alana Goodman, Commentary Magazine
- "The Washington Post's Jihadist Op-Ed Contributor," Thomas Joscelyn, The Weekly Standard
The Courts
Constitutional Issues
- "The Modern Regime of Rights," James Schall, S.J., The Catholic Thing
- "Reasserting Federalism in Defense of Liberty," Ken Cuccinelli, Imprimis
- "Constitutional Illusions and Anchoring Truths: The Touchstone of the Natural Law," Hadley Arkes
Judicial Activism
- "Lenk misses link to common sense," Howie Carr, The Boston Herald
- "Senate Approves Former Planned Parenthood Director as Judge," Steven Ertelt,
Other News of Note
- "Men Seeking Absolute Power," Jordan J. Ballor, The Acton Institute
- "Ron Paul's land of second-rate values," Michael Gerson, The Washington Post
- "The totalitarian trends of liberal ideology and other matters...," John Smeaton, SPUC Director
- "The Self-Destructiveness of the Purity Test," Peter Wehner, Commentary Magazine
- "Jimmy Carter's Moral Compass," The Wall Street Journal
Book reviews
- "Why they do it," Robert Morrison, Family Research Council
- "The Music," Peter W. Schramm, The Ashbrook Center
- "Their Proper End," Brad Miner, The Catholic Thing
- "In Search of a Healthy Imagination," Greg Pfundstein, The Catholic Thing
- "In the Pew Instead of Prison," James Q. Wilson, The Wall Street Journal
- "From Anthony Comstock to Jocelyn Elders," Charlotte Allen, The Family in America
- "What Scientists Believe," Peter Lopatin, The New Atlantis
- "How the Confederates Won," Mackubin Thomas Owens, Claremont Review of Books
- "Not Lost in Translation," Christina Hoff Sommers, Claremont Review of Books