These compilations from a variety of sources by the Family Research Council continue to offer interested people a gold mine. A new edition appears every two weeks. Readers will find in each a wealth of information not readily found elsewhere. For previous reviews I've posted, click here. For a complete list of articles from this latest edition, click "continue reading" below.
Educational Freedom and Reform
- "School District Targets Homeschooled Students for Money," Home School Legal Defense Association
- "Clamp Down in the Mountaineer State?," Christian NewsWire
- "Home-schooling on the rise for a good reason, say advocates," Craig Crosby, The Morning Sentinel
Legislation and Policy Proposals
- "Course Corrections," Allen C. Guelzo, Touchstone Magazine
- "The State of Christian Higher Education: A Response to Allen Guelzo," Hunter Baker, First Things
- "The 'Education' Mantra," Thomas Sowell, Crisis Magazine
- "Closing the Door on Education Innovation," Greg Forster, The Public Discourse
- "Why Privacy Matters Even if You Have 'Nothing to Hide'," Daniel J. Solove, The Chronicle of Higher Education
- "Study tells students what their major is worth," Kathy Matheson, MSNBC
- "New Jersey Supreme Court Usurps State Education Budget," Carrie Severino, National Review Online
Government Reform
- "Debt limit reached, U.S. halts two pension investments," Editorial, WORLD Magazine
- "What's the Deal with the Debt Ceiling?," Joe Carter, First Things
- "Scheduling a Crisis," Philip I. Levy, Foreign Policy
- "The Federal Reserve's Real Mandates," Alex J. Pollock, The American
- "How Might the Arts Be Funded?," Micah Mattix, Capital Commentary
- "Congressional Retirement Benefits Much More Generous Than Private Sector," Andrew Biggs, The Enterprise Blog
- "More Concern about Raising Debt Limit than Government Default," Pew Research Center
Health Care
- "Like, a Virgin?," Russell D. Moore, Touchstone Magazine
- "The Need for a Real Prevention Revolution," Lauren Funk, Turtle Bay and Beyond
Conscience Protection
- "Chaplain Agencies Seek Conscience Protections in Military Amid Pro-Gay Moves," Stephanie Samuel, The Christian Post
- "Chaplain's Letter to the Military Chief of Chaplains," Alliance Defense Fund
Health care reform: Political and Legislative efforts
- "Obamacare bombshell: Final ruling may wait until after 2012 election," Ken Klukowski, The Washington Examiner
- "Who Opposses Medicare Means Testing? Democrats!," Wesley J. Smith, Secondhand Smoke
- "Mr. Speaker, Medicare IS Social Engineering," Joseph Antos, The Enterprise Blog
- "Gross Obamacare Corruption," Robinson O'Brien-Bours, The Ashbrook Center
- "Kansas likely to enact health care 'freedom' law," John Hanna, The Topeka Capital-Journal
- "Two genders, one image," Rob Schwarzwalder, Family Research Council
- "Same-Sex "Marriage" Is Not Legal Under Federal Law. Ever. At Any Time.," Peter Sprigg, Family Research Council
- "Some Good News on DoMA: Judicial Watch Suing DoJ over Its FOIA Request," Chris Gacek, Family Research Council
- "Wis. Gov. Walker tells judge he wants to stop defending domestic partner registry law in court," Associated Press
- "Victims of discrimination? No, homosexuals are today's leisure class...," J.C. von Krempach, J.D., Turtle Bay and Beyond
- "A Look at the T in LGBT," Austin Ruse, The Catholic Thing
- "Study Finds Children Raised in Lesbian Familes More Likely to Identify as 'Partly Homosexual'," Joe Carter, First Things
- "Tenn. gov. signs 'gender identity' repeal," Staff, Baptist Press
- "Prop 8 Opponents' Anti-Black Bigotry Against Judge Deciding Motion to Vacate Walker's Ruling?" Ed Whelan, National Review Online
- "Support for Legal Gay Relations Hits New High," Jeffrey M. Jones, Gallup
Human Life and Bioethics
- "Young Female Leaders Speaking Out About Girl Scouts of America and Planned Parenthood," Jeanne Monahan, Family Research Council
- "Sins of the Father: Abortion, Birth Control, and the ACLU," Dr. Paul Kengor, The Center for Vision and Values
- "Kansas: Brownback Signs Abortion Inspection, Ultrasound Bill," Steven Ertelt,
- "Governor signs sonogram bill; 'It's God's issue,' author says," Andy Hogue, The Lone Star Report
- "Gallup Poll: Americans Want All or Most Abortions Illegal," Steve Ertelt,
- "Gov. Daniels Has Done Right With Abortion Law," Raymond Dix, St. Louis Post-Tribune
- "Are Abortion Laws Unenforceable," Howard Kainz, Crisis Magazine
- "The Nearly Aborted President," Peter Heck, The American Thinker
- "Five Signs the Pro-Life Cause Is Winning," Trevin Wax, Patheos
- "'New normal' on questions of life," Charles Donovan, Bellingham Herald
Bioethics and Biotechnology
- "Biopunks Tinker With The Building Blocks Of Life," National Public Radio
- "Do Presidential Bioethics Committees Shape Science Policy?," Alex Philippidis, Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News
- "Paving the Way for Title X: How Protestants Swallowed the Pill and Evangelicals 'Out-Libertined' the Mainline," Allan C. Carlson, Ph.D., The Family in America
- "Business booms for Danish sperm," Paul Henley, BBC News
- "Human cloning: Scientists worry Minnesota ban could squelch other research," Mass Device
- "Missouri Pro-Lifers Worried About Tax-Funded Human Cloning," Steven Ertelt,
Euthanasia and End of Life Issues
- "Zurich Voters HEART Suicide Tourism," Wesley J. Smith, Secondhand Smoke
- "Are There Sizable Benefits From Extending the Lives of the Old and Frail?" Gary Becker, The Becker-Posner Blog
- "Annual Symposium Focuses on Using Euthanasia Opposition," Steven Ertelt,
Stem Cell Research
- "Adult Stem Cells as Possible Cure for HIV-AIDS, Redux," Dr. David Prentice, Family Research Council
- "Information Update in Embryonic Stem Cell Lawsuit," Dr. David Prentice, Family Research Council
- "Motion for Supplemental Briefs Allowed in Embryonic Stem Cell Lawsuit," Dr. David Prentice, Family Research Council
- "Adult Stem Cells are Treating Thousands of Patients Now," Dr David Prentice,
- "Genomic Medicine Combined with Adult Stem Cells Cure AIDS?," Wesley J. Smith, Secondhand Smoke
- "Embryonic Stem Cell Research versus the Rule of Law," Wesley J. Smith, CBC Network
Women's Health
- "NJ Democrats Push for Funding Women's Health Clinics," CBS New York
Marriage and Family
- "Evangelicals push for adoptions in children's home countries," Peter Smith, Louisville Courier-Journal
- "The last Catholic adoption agency in Britain," Michael De Groote, Deseret News
- "Adoption agency fights Iowa effort to revoke license," Lee Rood, Des Moines Register
- "Groups ask Va to delay adoption regs that don't ban discrimination based on sexual orientation," Associated Press
Family Economics
- "Obama's $250,000 Question," William McGurn, The Wall Street Journal
- "Debt, Finance, and Catholics," Samuel Gregg, Crisis Magazine
- "Who Owns Our Jobs?," John Medaille, The Distributist Review
Family Structure
- "Parents again," Susan Olasky, WORLD Magazine
- "Why Divorce Devastates Children," Marlena Graves, Christianity Today
- "Number of long-lasting marriages in U.S. has risen, Census Bureau reports," Carol Morello, The Washington Post
- "Parents keep child's gender secret," Jayme Poisson,
- "Why mothers matter," Jenet Erickson, MercatorNet
- "How to Live as a Christian Family," Cindy Wooden, National Catholic Register
- "Slacking as Self-Discovery: The Rebranding of Indolence as 'Emerging Adulthood,'" Rita Koganzon, The New Atlantis
Parental Rights
- "Murky Waters in 3-Way Parental Rights Fight," Jeff D. Gorman, Courthouse News Service
- "Texas debate on school paddling," UPI
- "Facebook Will Use Microsoft Tech to Find Child Pornography," Mikael Ricknas, PC World
- "New U.S. Bill Requires ISPs to Keep 18-months Records," PC World
- "Netflix's Internet traffic overtakes Web surfing," Peter Svensson, MSNBC
- "Should Kids Surf the Net in Helmets?," Max Lindenman, The Anchoress
- "The Silence of Technology: Presence Precedes Tools," Matthew Lee Anderson, Mere Orthodoxy
Religion and Public Policy
Religious Liberty
- "Bill Would Strengthen Role of Religious Freedom Envoy," Daniel Burke, Christianity Today
- "The Difference Between an Evangelical and a Fundamentalist in a Nutshell," C. Michael Patton, Parchment and Pen
- "What's Good? Wherefore Ought?," Thaddeus J. Kozinski, The Public Discourse
- "Putting Public Prayer to a Vote," Joe Ortwerth, The Monitor
- "Circumcision ban infringes on rights," Gil Leeds, San Francisco Chronicle
- "Seniors Hold Prayer Despite Atheist's Threats,"
Religion in America
- "Apocalypse now?," Cal Thomas, WORLD Magazine
- "A Catholic's Gratitude to Evangelicals," Colleen Reiss, First Things
- "There Ain't No Pure Church," Mark P. Shea, Crisis Magazine
- "Getting Millennials to Mass," Barb Fraze, National Catholic Register
- "The Evangelical Conservative Stool," Matthew Lee Anderson, Mere Orthodoxy
- "Should Doctors and Nurses Never Discuss Religion with Patients?" Wesley J. Smith, Secondhand Smoke
- "The Rapture That Wasn't: Religious doomsdays that don't pan out harm only the doomsayer. Leftist ones also harm scientists, and science," Dennis Prager, National Review Online
- "A Bachelor's Degree in Atheism," Alan Jacobs, The Wall Street Journal
- "Jews in Israel Are Not Declining Relative to Arabs Demographically," Chris Gacek, Family Research Council
- "A Word on CUNY, Kushner & Weisenfeld," Caroline Glick,
- "Obama's Newest Ambush ," Caroline Glick, The Jerusalem Post
- "Ehud Barak's latest Nakba," Caroline Glick, The Jerusalem Post
- "Israel's bottom line," Bruce McQuain, Questions and Observations
- "An Anti-Israel President," Bret Stephens, The Wall Street Journal
International Economy and Family
- "Scholar: China Notices Link Between Christianity, U.S. Economic Success," Michelle A. Vu, The Christian Post
- "'Remember Nhu' fights child sex abuse in Asia," David Yonke, The Toledo Blade
- "Amb. CdeBaca Combats Sex Trafficking In The U.S.," National Public Radio
Religious Persecution
- "A New Birth of Religious Freedom in China," Rob Schwarzwalder, Family Research Council
- "Zoned out," Elbert Chu, WORLD Magazine
- "The Ever-Shrinking Role of Religious Freedom in U.S. Foreign Policy," Thomas F. Farr, National Review Online
Sharia law -- U.S., foreign
- "After bin Laden: The religious freedom imperative," Leonard A. Leo and Dr. Don Argue, The Hill
The Courts
Constitutional Issues
- "Do Naval Academy Mealtime Prayers Violate the Constitution?," Joe Wolverton, II, The New American
- "Dismantling the Constitution: The 4th Amendment is under attack," James H. "Smokey" Shott, Bluefield Daily Telegraph
Judicial Activism
- "Republican filibuster blocks Liu for appeals court," Sean Lengell, The Washington Times
Other News of Note
- "Arnold's Grover Cleveland Solution," Robert Morrison, The Beacon
- "Understanding Liberals," Walter E. Williams, Crisis Magazine
- "Curiosity in Philosophy," Shaun Kenney,
- "Spring Contrasts: Madison, Wisconsin vs. Tuscaloosa, Joplin, and the Mighty Mississippi," Marvin J. Folkerstma, The Center for Vision and Values
Book reviews
- "Christianizing the Social Network," Matthew Lee Anderson, Christianity Today
- "Reforming the Reformed," Roger E. Olson, Christianity Today
- "Has science buried God?," William West, MercatorNet