Gagnon, who serves as Associate Professor of New Testament at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, has written major books on the Bible and homosexuality. He writes:
What does the Bible actually say about "gay marriage"? That question is the title of a a recent op-ed piece in the Huffington Post written by Lee Jefferson, a visiting assistant professor of religion at Centre College. According to Jefferson the answer is: "Nothing," or at least "Nothing negative."
Jefferson used the recent passage of "gay marriage" by the New York legislature as a springboard from which to denigrate appeals to the Bible against homosexual practice. I will use Jefferson's article as a springboard from which to answer the question that he and many others have raised. . . [Read more . . .]
- Note also David Virtue's brief review of W.P. Campbell's book, Turning Controversy into Church Ministry: A Christlike Response to Homosexuality
In the virulent culture wars over homosexuality in the church, this North Carolina Presbyterian minister offers the church a way forward that is at once irenic and faithful to Scripture. While some churches like TEC, ELCA and Presbyterian churches debate the issue and others avoid it, struggling people fall through the cracks. This is a book for Christians and church leaders who want to rise above the debate and make a difference in the world by thinking, acting, and speaking in ways that express redemptive truth and Christlike love.
Campbell shares insights, tools and practical guidelines for any congregation that wishes to see Christians positively influence how the larger culture frames the issue of same-sex attraction. He demonstrates how readers can converse in a truthful, loving, and insightful manner about such topics as the nature/nurture debate, law vs. grace, and Scriptures call to holiness. Campbell suggests ways churches can build ministry in leadership training, preaching, support groups, mentoring/counseling and outreach.