These compilations from a variety of sources by the Family Research Council continue to offer interested people a gold mine. A new edition appears every two weeks. Readers will find in each a wealth of information not readily found elsewhere. For previous reviews I've posted, click here. For a complete list of articles from this latest edition, click "continue reading" below.
Educational Freedom and Reform
- "DNPE Softens Impact of New Policy," Home School Legal Defense Association
- "Why choose to homeschool?," Kate Kerman, Sentinel Source
- "Home school students learn year round," CBC News
Legislation and Policy Proposals
- "Reforming Higher Education: To What End?," Lee Skallerup Bessette, Inside Higher Ed
- "Grade Inflation for Education Majors and Low Standards for Teachers," Cory Koedel, American Enterprise Institute
- "Scott explores changes in higher education," Denise-Marie Balona, The Orlando Sentinel
- "The Atlanta Cheating Scandal's Tough Lessons for Business Leaders," Frederick M. Hess and Whitney Downs, The American
- "Pupils Delighted," Anthony Esolen, Touchstone Magazine
- "Catholic schools in Kenya prohibit Muslim head covering," Fredrick Nzwili, Mere Comments
- "No Child Left Behind by Executive Overreach," Lindsey Burke, National Review Online
- "Do We Spend Too Much on Education?," Peter Thiel et al., New York Times
- "Online Enterprises Gain Foothold as Path to a College Degree," Tamar Lewin, The New York Times
Government Reform
- "Empower the Regulated," Richard Rahn, The Washington Times
- "Regulatory Overreach Smothering Economy: Obama Review Has Killed One Regulation," Sen. John Barrasso, The Washington Times
- "More Regulation Is the Last Thing Economy Needs," Ramesh Ponnuru, Bloomberg
- "Human nature and the Obama Economy," Rob Schwarzwalder, The Greece Post
- "That's Government Stimulus Alright," Nick Schulz, The Enterprise Blog
- "It's the Spending, Stupid: A Crucial Historical Look at Federal-Government Spending," Paul G. Kengor, The Center for Vision and Values
- "Spending, not entitlements, created huge deficit," Byron York, The Washington Examiner
- "The Proverbial folly behind our debt crisis," D.C. Innes, WORLD Magazine
Health Care
- "Sex Ed Mandates and Children's Innocence," Greg Pfundstein, The Public Discourse
- "HHS: Children Are 'Sexual Beings'," Penny Starr,
- "The Immorality of Nice Fornication," Anthony Esolen, The Catholic Thing
Conscience Protection
- "Federal Government Tramples Conscience Protections," William A. Estrada, Esq., Home School Legal Defense Association
Health care reform: Political and Legislative efforts
- "Higher Health Benefits Costs Bring Along More Consumer Control," Gabriel Sudduth, The Enterprise Blog
- "Health Spending's Economic Effects," Gabriel Sudduth, The Enterprise Blog
- "Court Rules Against a Breathtakingly Expansive Mandate," Grace-Marie Turner, The Galen Institute
- "Cuts in Health Care May Undermine Role in Labor Market," Reed Abelson and Katie Thomas, The New York Times
- "As Hospitals Push ERs, States' Medicaid Budgets Pressured," Phil Galewitz, Kaiser Health News
- "Federal Agency Admits Violating DOMA in Conducting Survey," Peter Sprigg, Family Research Council
- "Gay Marriage a Tricky Issue for Obama, GOP," Michael Barone, American Enterprise Institute
- "We're Arguing Definitions, Not Rights," Amy K. Hall, Evangel
- "For the Kids," James M. Thunder, The American Spectator
- "Our Gay-Marriage Experiment," Michael Barone, National Review Online
- "Straw Votes and Revelations," Hadley Arkes, The Catholic Thing
- "Chaplaincy Groups Urge Congress To Increase Religious Liberty Protections In Face of DADT Repeal," Alliance Defense Fund
Human Life and Bioethics
- "Another Abortion Apologia from the NYT Mag," Cathy Ruse, Family Research Council
- "VP Biden on one-child policy in China: It is so repugnant we only send them $50 million a year to do it," Tom McClusky, The Cloakroom
- "Joe Biden: 'I Fully Understand' China's One Child Policy," Mark Hemingway, The Weekly Standard
- "Sex Selection Abortion and IVF Shopping Coming To USA," Wesley J. Smith, Secondhand Smoke
- "Protect the Weak and Vulnerable: The Primacy of the Life Issue," O. Carter Snead, The Public Discourse
- "40 Years Later: How to Undo the Autonomy Argument for Abortion Rights," Erika Bachiochi, The Public Discourse
- "Abortion's Slippery Slope: The "Two-Minus-One Pregnancy," David Ayers,
- "Study Confirms Abortion Not Needed to Halt Maternal Mortality," Bill Poehler,
- "Missing Children: How Falling Birthrates Turn Everything Upside Down," Phillip J. Longman, The Family in America
- "Tenth Texas Abortion Practitioner Under State Investigation," Steven Ertelt,
Bioethics and Biotechnology
- "Coffee and Chocolate to Prevent Sunburn," Dr. David Prentice, Family Research Council
- "Human Experiments as Creepy or Ethical?," Dr. David Prentice, Family Research Council
- "The Failure of Liberal Bioethics," Ross Douthat, The New York Times
- "Genetic Patents: Moral Concerns," Kenneth Spence, The Acton Institute
- "Babies for Sale Buyers Beware," Jennifer Lahl, To the Source
- "Teaching Character, Not "Moral Enhancements," Key to Ethical Society," Wesley J. Smith, Secondhand Smoke
Euthanasia and End of Life Issues
- "BC Court Rejects "Farewell Foundation" Assisted Suicide Suit," Wesley J. Smith, Secondhand Smoke
- "Surprise poll: young Christians more concerned about abortion/euthanasia than older believers," Thaddeus Baklinski,
Stem Cell Research
To read about the latest advances in ethical adult stem cell research, keep up with leading-edge reports from FRC's Dr. David Prentice, click here.
- "Thou Shalt Not Murder," Chuck Hurley and David Prentice, The Classic
- "Whatever Happened to Stem Cell Research?," Austin Ruse, The Catholic Thing
Women's Health
- "Women Increasingly Sexually Exploited By Media," Jeanne Monahan, Family Research Council
- "Sex slavery is not just overseas anymore," Jeanne Monahan, The Sonoran News
Marriage and Family
- "Major blow dealt to Catholic Charities in Illinois over homosexual adoption," Peter Baklinski,
- "Things We Control," Nancy French, National Review Online
- "Social media spurs adoption for Roseville family," Jon Brines, Roseville Press Tribune
- "Social services board delays adoption regulations," Anita Kumar, The Washington Post
Family Economics
- "How the Debt Deal Will Really Work," Joseph Antos, The Enterprise Blog
- "The Moral Consequences of Economic Philosophy," Amy K. Hall, Evangel
- "Obama's Secret Jobs Plan," Robinson O'Brien-Bours, The Ashbrook Center
- "Keynesian Economics vs. Regular Economics," Robert J. Barro, The Wall Street Journal
- "Why Americans Hate Economics," Stephen Moore, The Wall Street Journal
Family Structure
- "In Defense of Second-Rate Parenting," Gregory K. Laughlin, First Things
- "Defend Marriage: Moms and Dads Matter," Maggie Gallagher, The Public Discourse
- "Rachel's Last Fund-Raiser," Nicholas D. Kristof, The New York Times
- "Before Kids, Put a Ring On It," Kathryn Jean Lopez, National Review Online
- "Pornography and National Security," Jennifer S. Bryson, The Public Discourse
- "Christians ponder the secretive use of pornography on the Web," Helen T. Gray, The Bradenton Herald
- "CNN on porn: Smart people vs. Bible folks," tMatt,
- "Is Google an Indictment of Higher Education's Failures?," Tracy Mitrano, Inside HigherEd
- "Chinese Flock to Free Lectures on Happiness, Justice," Chengcheng Jiang, Time
Religion and Public Policy
Religious Liberty
- "Church decline across the pond," David T. Koyzis, Evangel
- "Table Manners," Russell D. Moore, Touchstone Magazine
- "Nine States File in support of Becket Fund Brief," Eric Kniffin, The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty
Religion in America
- "Jesus Behind Bars," Robert Morrison, The American Thinker
- "Does the Tea Party Have a Religion Problem?," R.R. Reno, First Things
- "Is "Christian" the New "Gay"?," Gayle Trotter, Evangel
- "Mormonism and Natural Law," Francis J. Beckwith, The Catholic Thing
- "Tipping Points: Time to Engage the Culture Again," Chuck Colson, Crosswalk
- "Mark David Hall on Roger Sherman, Puritan Patriot," Research on Religion Podcast
- "Rescuing the American Dream: Culture's Power to Reduce Poverty," Peter Wehner, Ethics and Public Policy Center
- "Do Irreligious Realize They're Intolerant?," Rod Dreher, RealClearReligion
- "Inequality Grows As Poor, Ignorant Atheists Swamp US," Walter Russell Mead, Via Meadia
- "The Anti-Church of Antonio Gramsci," George J. Marlin, The Catholic Thing
- "The Mideast: Safe for Democracy?," Ken Blackwell and Robert Morrison, The Huffington Post
- "Blood in the Streets," Caroline Glick, The Jerusalem Post
- "Hamas's Deadly Reminder: There is no Palestinian State," David French, National Review Online
International Economy and Family
- "Gandhi's Revenge," Sadanand Dhume, American Enterprise Institute
- "Lesson From Europe (Take 2)," Bret Stephens, The Wall Street Journal
- "Reversing the Decay of London Undone," Jonathan Sacks, The Wall Street Journal
- "China's New Lucrative Business: Dead Babies Turn into Stamina Booster Pills," International Business Times
Religious Persecution
- "HOSTILITY TOWARD RELIGION: Pew sees uptick in 1/3 of world," Mark Kelly, Baptist Press
- "Q&A with former diplomat Thomas F. Farr," The Media Project
- "Can Taiwan Escape China's Ever-Tightening Embrace?," Doug Bandow, Forbes
Sharia law -- U.S., foreign
- "Martyrdom in Pakistan," George Weigel, First Things
- "On the Fragility of Islam," James V. Schall, S.J., The Catholic Thing
- "A Thrilling Spectacle in Tripoli," Fouad Ajami, The Wall Street Journal
- "Enlisting Allah," Brian Mockenhaupt, The Atlantic
The Courts
Constitutional Issues
- "Obama DOJ Picks a Fight Against Religious Freedom," Ed Whelan, National Review Online
- "Should We Deregulate the Legal Industry?," Publius, FedSoc Blog
- "Display of Ten Commandments in Dixie County, Florida," Publius, FedSoc Blog
Other News of Note
- "What? Another Department of Jobs?," Ken Blackwell, The Huffington Post
- "TV Bias Book Not Ready for Primetime," Bruce Edward Walker, The Acton Institute
- "Churchill and Welfare," Robinson O'Brien-Bours, The Ashbrook Center
- "Actor Corey Feldman Says Pedophilia No. 1 Problem for Child Stars, Contributed to Demise of Corey Haim," Steven Baker and David Wright, ABC News
- "After 2009 Turmoil, Town-Halls Are Scarce," Sophie Quinton, The Atlantic
Book reviews
- "Book Review: Surprised by Oxford," Mark Trammell, Family Research Council
- "Book Review: Unnatural Selection: Choosing Boys Over Girls and the Consequences of a World Full of Men," Susan Yoshihara, C-FAM
- "Sickness Unto Death," Robert S. Wistrich, Claremont Review of Books
- "An Introduction to Plato's Laches," Gary Hartenburg, The Examined Life
- "The Book Behind the Musical: Hugo's Les Miserables," Curt Swindoll, The Examined Life