Peter Robinson's interview with David Berlinski is a lot of fun to watch. The interview focuses on Berlinski's book, The Devil's Delusion: Atheism and Its Scientific Pretensions. The full 42 minute video can be seen here. If you prefer, you can watch it in five part segments at the NRO website:
Part 1 David Berlinski introduces The Devil’s Delusion.
Part 2 David Berlinski discusses why he thinks Darwin’s theory is flawed.
Part 3 Is the Big Bang theory consistent with Christian beliefs? David Berlinski responds.
Part 4 David Berlinski discusses right and wrong.
Part 5 Can scientists disprove the existence of God? David Berlinski responds.
What initially attracted me to the video was the extraordinary quote I came across on the NRO website linked to Part 5, quoting Berlinski:
“The Old Testament is the greatest repository of human knowledge and wisdom in the history of civilization, any time, any place…. [E]very attitude current today in the discussion from Richard Dawkins to me to Christopher Hitchins, the lonely pastors in the Bible Belt on Sunday morning ranting from a particular text, is discussed in the Bible. There is a character in the Bible who expresses that point of view and there is sympathy expressed for that point of view and there are reservations expressed for that sympathy. It is enormously complex, rich, and dramatic piece of work.”
This is all the more fascinating coming from a self-described secular Jew and agnostic. David Berlinski received his Ph.D. in philosophy from Princeton University and was later a postdoctoral fellow in mathematics and molecular biology at Columbia University. He has published widely across multiple academic disciplines. Wikipedia has more... Note also his book, The Deniable Darwin and Other Essays.
On the subject of Darwinism and evolution, it's a good idea to regularly consult Evolution News and Views, something I need to do myself.
Blogger "Wintery Knight" has a great many posts on evolution worth perusing.