The Family Research Council reports:
First, the Obama administration wouldn't defend the law. Now, officials won't even abide by it! Adding to a steady stream of corruption charges, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) is confirming pro-lifers' suspicions about Kenya 's new abortion-friendly constitution: the U.S. government had a hand in lobbying for it. FRC has monitored the situation since last February, when members of our senior staff met with Bishop Anthony Muheria of the Kenyan Diocese of Kitui. He strongly believed that organizations were receiving U.S. funds to advocate for a new constitution that included the legalization of abortion-on-demand. This report only confirms Bishop Muheria's and Congressman Chris Smith's (R-N.J.) worst fears--that taxpayer dollars were, in fact, being used to sway people to vote "yes" on the referendum legalizing abortion--over the objection of most Kenyans.
According to the GAO, Obama officials funneled millions of dollars to efforts aimed at legalizing abortion in Kenya, despite the Siljander Amendment, which bans the government from lobbying for or against abortion overseas with taxpayer dollars. To promote the President's radical agenda, the U.S. actually spent money on a legal organization, International Development Law Organization (IDLO), which analyzed the draft constitution and recommended the inclusion of the abortion plank. "The Obama administration basically hired surrogates to do its dirty work of abortion promotion in Kenya" Smith said, "... with the result being a new Kenyan constitution that vastly expands access to abortion... courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer." Together with Rep. Smith, who chairs the House subcommittee that oversees Africa's foreign affairs, FRC will continue working to ensure that the U.S. stops using your tax dollars to bully countries with strong pro-life views.