We live in a top-down, in-your-face administration, that doesn't seek Congress' permission or support for its own edicts imposed on the American people. (Is this government "of the people, by the people, for the people?") I wouldn't have known about the latest domestic edict if I hadn't received an email report from the Family Research Council. Consider:
If you think the administration is liberal now, just want until next year when the President is not facing reelection. For the most radical White House in history, there is no limit to the damage he could inflict on this country. Even now, in his third year, Americans are only slowly learning what the administration has already done in secret. New abuses are trickling out every day, including this latest announcement from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The President decided that if he can't pass a non-discrimination policy, he'll implement one anyway. On Friday, the administration handed down a new rule, ordering HUD to add "sexual orientation" to the non-discrimination policy on housing applications.
Under this edict, faith-based groups such as Catholic Charities, who operate housing complexes in partnership with HUD, would be forced to abandon their beliefs on marriage and accept homosexual couples--or end their grant with the federal government. Last year, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops urged HUD to not to create a "new protected classification" that flies in the face of congressional policy. But, once again, the administration proved that it would risk services for the most vulnerable just to advance their radical social agenda. Barbara McQuade, one of the lobbyists on the issue, congratulated the President for barging ahead on the new language without the legislature's approval. "I really applaud the administration, which isn't waiting around for Congress," she told reporters. Ironically, that was the fulfillment of another Obama promise--one that he made quite publicly. "Where they won't act," the President warned, "I will." Even, it appears, if he lacks the constitutional authority to do so.
Me: Why "wait around for Congress" when you can assume dictatorial powers? That rhetorical question summarizes Obama's philosophy of governance. It's what scares many of us, and should scare all of us. We are in the process of throwing away our heritage of freedom and self-government. We are living through a crucial historical testing point of whether we will survive as a free, self-governing people or as a nation of sheep shoved around by unelected bureaucrats posting edicts and mandates under Presidential direction.