All the categories and topics can be found by clicking the "Continue reading" line below. The original SCR posting is available here.
Educational Freedom and Reform
- "Readers debate whether Michigan's homeschool law is too lax (with poll)," Julie Mack,
- "Home-school, private-school families win tax break," Seanna Adcox, Associated Press
Legislation and Policy Proposals
- "College Debt and the Housing Market," Chris Gacek, Family Research Council
- "Completion matters: the high cost of low community college graduation rates," Mark Schneider and Lu Michelle Yin, American Enterprise Institute
- "Colleges skimp on science, spend big on diversity," Michael Barone, The Washington Examiner
- "Tuition Discounts Rise Again, but Their Effectiveness Lags," Lawrence Biemiller, The Chronicle of Higher Education
- "Duty and Desire: The Best Hope for Our Children's Education," Steven Garber, Christianity Today
- "It's All About 'Me' After All," Jaclyn Martin, Crosswalk
Government Reform
- "Individual wealth, freedom products of U.S. capitalism," Sen. Jon Kyl, The Arizona Republic
- "The Power of Markets Vs. Regulation," Warren Meyer, Forbes
- "Government Regulations Save Minnows and Kill Jobs," Dr. Karen Gushta, Crosswalk
- "It's Party Time in Fed 'Wa$te' Land," Michael Goodwin, Fox News
- "Unsubstantiated Budget Attacks, the Sequel," James C. Capretta, Ethics and Public Policy Center
Health Care
- "Study: Abstinence ed. Works," Bob Kellogg, OneNewsNow
- "Abstinence-centered bill advancing in Tennessee Senate," Associated Press
- "Plunging birthrate of U.S. teens 'amazing'," Cheryl Wetzstein, The Washington Times
Conscience Protection
- "When the Archbishop Met the President," James Taranto, The Wall Street Journal
- "Leviathan, Civil Society and National Morality," Phillip W. De Vous, The Acton Institute
- "Conscience Exemption for Me but Not for Thee," Dr. Paul Kengor, National Catholic Register
- "The Contraception Debate: Mandate falls short of religious liberty," Bishop Francis DiLorenzo, Richmond Times-Dispatch
Health care reform: Political and Legislative efforts
- "Obama's Own War On Women," Ken Blackwell and Bob Morrison,
- "Obamacare at the Supreme Court: An Analysis by Ken Klukowski," Darin Miller, Family Research Council
- "Is the President Lobbying the Court Re Obamacare?," Justin Shubow, The FedSoc Blog
- "The truth about the war on women," Gretchen K. Hamel, Fox News
- "Obamacare Arguments Conclude - What Will Be The Impact on Religious Liberty & The Sanctity of Life?," Casey Mattox, Alliance Defense Fund
- "More than Just Broccoli: The Real Slippery Slope of ObamaCare's 'Must-Buy' Provision," Lee Harris, The American
- "Yes, Congresswoman Pelosi, We're Serious: On the Constitutionality of Obamacare," Dr. Paul Kengor, The Center for Vision and Values
- "Same-Sex Marriage In the U.K. Met with Christian Resistance," Rob Schwarzwalder, Family Research Council
- "Gay Rights Bill Appears to Fail in Anchorage," William Yardley, New York Times
- "Ohio attorney general certifies petition for same-sex marriage amendment to state constitution," The Plain Dealer
- "Gays in America: Unprecedented Progress in One Generation," Conor Friedersdorf, The Atlantic
Human Life and Bioethics
- "Parental Consent Protects Young Women's Health," Teresa S. Collett, The Public Discourse
- "Eggsploitation: Giving Voice to the Women hurt by the Fertility Industry," Matthew Lee Anderson, Mere Orthodoxy
- "Fatherhood: the other casualty in the abortion war," Kristi Burton Brown,
- "Arizona Passes Bill Banning Late-Term Abortions,"
- "Pro-Abortion Politicians Hide the Truth About Ultrasounds," Steven Ertelt,
- "Abortion Advocates Provide "Tool Kit" To Advance Sexual Rights Through UN Human Rights Council," Lisa Correnti and Annalee Seath, Turtle Bay and Beyond
- "Battle hymn of the anti-abortion feminist," Lila Rose, Politico
- "Taking Back Medicine," Kathryn Jean Lopez, National Review Online
Bioethics and Biotechnology
- "The virtue of questioning 'science'," James A. Wanliss, WORLD Magazine
- "Skepticism Over Politicized "Science" is Not Anti-Science," Wesley J. Smith, Secondhand Smoke
- "The Limitations of Neuroscience," Matthew Lee Anderson, Mere Orthodoxy
Euthanasia and End of Life Issues
- "Respect the Future," David Brooks, New York Times
- "Recession makes dying too expensive for the poor," Sanjay Basu, The San Francisco Chronicle
- "'Second Thoughts' Grow on Assisted Suicide," Diane Coleman and Stephen Drake, Wall Street Journal
Stem Cell Research
To read about the latest advances in ethical adult stem cell research, keep up with leading-edge reports from FRC's Dr. David Prentice, click here.
- "The Church says yes, and no, to stem-cell research," Archbishop Robert J. Carlson, St. Louis Review
Human Trafficking
- "Literary aid to ending sex slavery," Russ Pulliam, WORLD Magazine
- "Human trafficking affecting millions, including some in the U.S. ," Elizabeth Flock, The Washington Post
Women's Health
- "The Costs of Contraception," Carson Holloway and John Safranek, The Public Discourse
- "The Differences the Pill Has Made," George Weigel, First Things
- "Desperately Seeking Women," Kathryn Jean Lopez, National Review Online
- "Put Off Nagging, Put On Love," Gloria Furman, The Gospel Coalition
Marriage and Family
- "Mariska Hargitay: 'Adoption Not for the Faint of Heart'," Sami K. Martin, The Christian Post
- "Fathers of Illegitimate Children Would Lose Rights to Adoption," Josie Butler, CBS St. Louis
Family Economics
- "How to Think About Inequality," Peter Wehner and Robert P. Beschel, Jr., National Affairs
- "What Does 'Fiscal Responsibility' Mean?," Steve Conover, The American
- "Amazing: The Poorest Households Spend 9% of Their Income on Lottery Tickets," Derek Thompson, The Atlantic
- "Consumers Acting Badly," Elise Hilton, The Acton Institute
Family Structure
- "Hilary Rosen Apologizes to Ann Romney Over Mom Flap," Jonathan Miller, National Journal
- "Privatizing Marriage Is Unjust to Children," Jennifer Roback Morse, The Public Discourse
- "Why Bigger Might Be Easier," Betsy VanDenBerghe, First Things
- "Christians and marriage," David T. Koyzis, Evangel
- "Does Cohabitation Harm Your Chances of Getting Married?," Glenn T. Stanton, National Review Online
- "Trying to Prepare for the Toughest of Jobs," Trey Bundy, New York Times
- "Pornography and Acedia," Reinhard Hutter, First Things
- "Google Brings Churches Back into Nonprofit Program," Morgan Feddes, Christianity Today
- "A Privacy Manifesto in Code: What If Your Emails Never Went to Gmail and Twitter Couldn't See Your Tweets?," Alexis Madrigal, The Atlantic
Religion and Public Policy
Religious Liberty
- "El Paso City Leaders Declare War on Civil Liberties of Christians," Alan Sears, Alliance Defense Fund
- "A Most Vexing Problem," Stephen P. White, The Catholic Thing
- "Market Economies with Churches and Market Economies without Churches," Joe Carter, The Acton Institute
- "School Removes "God" From Lee Greenwood Song," Todd Starnes, Fox News
- "Catholic Club Puts Faith above Vanderbilt Policy," Daniel Jackson, The Washington Times
Religion in America
- "Think Again: Evangelicals in American Public Life," Chris Marlink, Family Research Council
- "Christianity in Crisis: The Resurrection and Andrew Sullivan," Matthew Lee Anderson, Mere Orthodoxy
- "Study shows that religious people are better at understanding that small sacrifices lead to big rewards,"
- "Secularism With the Gloves Off: Vanderbilt U's Assault on Religious Organizations ," R. Albert Mohler, Jr., The Christian Post
- "Atheism may be lonely, but it's honest - and the loneliness can be fixed," Tom Chivers, The London Daily Telegraph
- "Secular Scapegoats and 'The Hunger Games'," Jordan J. Ballor, The Acton Institute
- "A Tremendous Victory for Israel at the International Criminal Court," David French, American Center for Law and Justice
- "The State Department's Jerusalem syndrome," Caroline Glick,
- "What Happens When You Assume," Seth Mandel, Commentary Magazine
International Economy and Family
- "Scaring the Horses: Britain's Tories Back Unmarriage," Ken Blackwell,
- "Europe's Financial Maginot Line," Desmond Lachman, The American
- "Intelligence, Iraq, and Iran: The view from the New York Times," Danielle Pletka, The Enterprise Blog
- "How About Some World Governance Goals?," Mark Palmer, Patrick Glen, and Paul Wolfowitz, The Wall Street Journal
- "Here I Come to Save the World Bank," Michael Matheson Miller, The Acton Institute
Religious Persecution
- "What Burma's Chin Refugees Need Beyond Aung San Suu Kyi," Jenny Yang, Her.Meneutics
- "'A hard country'," Warren Cole Smith, WORLD Magazine
- "Burmese Spring?," Justin Paulette, The Ashbrook Center
Sharia law -- U.S., foreign
- "The Problem 'Son': Debate Continues Over Translating 'Son of God' for Muslims," Collin Hansen, Christianity Today
- "Mass Arab protest hopes to overrun Israel's borders," United Press International
The Courts
Constitutional Issues
- "A Whirlwind Tour of the Supreme Court's Commerce Clause Jurisprudence," David J. Porter, The Center for Vision and Values
- "Obama vs. Marbury v. Madison," Opinion, The Wall Street Journal
- "Supreme Court Debates Status of Children Conceived After Death," Joe Carter, The Gospel Coalition
- "The Constitution Liveth (And it Keeps on Living)," Richard Adams, The Ashbrook Center
Judicial Activism
- "From Hugs to Hand-Wringing: Watching the Legal Left Freak Out at The Supreme Court ," Ken Klukowski,
- "Unprecedented," Emily Belz, WORLD Magazine
- "David Bernstein on Out-of-Touch Legal Academics," Justin Shubow, The FedSoc Blog
- "Justice Kennedy's Million Dollar Question," Richard A. Epstein, The Hoover Institution
Other News of Note
- "Dick Cheney's Change of Heart," David Prentice and Robert Morrison, Family Research Council
- "The President's Abysmal Record," John Steele Gordon, Commentary Magazine
- "It's the Lies about Beef that Are the Slime," Alan Caruba, Accuracy in Media
Book reviews
- "Themelios 37.1," Andy Naselli, The Gospel Coalition
- "New book shows liberals stereotype conservatives more than vice versa," The Iona Institute
- "Dr. Boom," Dalibor Rohac, City Journal
- "Why They Fought," Michael Burlingame, Claremont Review of Books