The Family Research Council does superb work in assembling these articles. For previous issues of the Social Conservative Review, click here. The items below are found here.
Educational Freedom and Reform
- "Homeschooling Mother's Name Removed from Registry," Home School Legal Defense Association
- "10 Things I Learned in Our First Year of Homeschooling," Jennifer Fulwiler, National Catholic Register
Legislation and Policy Proposals
- "Academics vs. sexual orientation," Becky Yeh, OneNewsNow
- "Is Evolution a Lousy Story?," Tom Bartlett, The Chronicle of Higher Education
- "A Lose-Lose Deal: Timid Leadership Yields Half-Baked Policies," Rick Hess, Education Week
- "College, loans, and the road to success," Cal Thomas, WORLD Magazine
- "Fixing the Problems in Student Lending," Reps. Phil Roe and Tim Walberg, The Washington Examiner
- "Immersion Education for Parents," Pete Peterson and Kevin Klowden, City Journal
Government Reform
- "How Financial Regulation Is Creating Another Bubble," Christopher Grosvenor, Seeking Alpha
- "CEI's Battered Business Bureau: The Week in Regulation," Ryan Young,
- "A Stealth Expansion of the Welfare State," Michael G. Franc, National Review Online
- "Blueprint for cutting government spending," Cal Thomas, The Sun Sentinel
- "What Real Government Waste Looks Like," Paul Waldman, The American Prospect
- "Tracking the Pork," Gerri Willis, Fox Business
Health Care
- "Sex and the Seamless Garment," William Doino, Jr., First Things
- "Guttmacher Institute Misleads on Why Teen Births Declined," Michael New,
Conscience Protection
- "Is Conscience Partisan? A Look at the Clinton, Moynihan, and Kennedy Records," Richard M. Doerflinger, The Public Discourse
- "Pro-Life conscience protection headed to KS governor," Kathy Ostrowski, Kansans for Life
- "The Catholic Pendulum Swings," Justin Paulette, The Intellectual Conservative
Health care reform: Political and Legislative efforts
- "HSAs also work for lower-income individuals," The Galen Institute
- "New ruling reveals the future of Washington-directed healthcare," Scott Gottlieb, The Enterprise Blog
- "Exposing the Medicare Double Count," Charles Blahous and James C. Capretta, The Wall Street Journal
- "Sandra Fluke and Georgetown's Position of 'Neutrality'," Joan Frawley Desmond, National Catholic Register
- "Campbell's not so 'clean-cut'," Charlie Butts, OneNewsNow
- "NC Marriage Battle Heats Up Ahead of Tuesday's Vote," Anugrah Kumar, The Christian Post
- "NY civil rights debate moves from gay marriage to transgender rights; 16 states have laws," Michael Virtanen, Associated Press
- "GLAAD Argues Pro-Homosexual Voices 'Underrepresented' in Media," Crosswalk
- "Methodists Uphold Policy that Calls Homosexuality 'Incompatible with Christian Teaching," Daniel Burke, Religion News Service
- "EU Commissioner Reding: "We Only Finance the Gay Lobby, but We Have No Influence on its Activities"," J.C. von Krempach, J.D., Turtle Bay and Beyond
Human Life and Bioethics
- "Should Libertarians Be Conservatives?: The Tough Cases of Abortion and Marriage," Jay W. Richards, The Public Discourse
- "Pro-lifers not protected at WKU," Bob Kellogg, OneNewsNow
- "Family Breakdown at the Heart of Global Aging Crisis," Susan Yoshihara, Turtle Bay and Beyond
- "Addressing the Needs of Expectant Mothers: A Reply to Rafie & Winsor," Mark W. Leach, The Public Discourse
- "Successful Advocacy Begins in the Womb: A Reply to Mark Leach," Monica Rafie and Tracy Winsor, The Public Discourse
- "What's Planned Parenthood afraid of?," Anna Franzonello, The Washington Times
- "The Reproductive Life of Julia," Jill Stanek,
- "Professors: Babies Don't Know They're Killed in Abortions," Warner T. Huston,
- "Korea cracking down on Chinese "human flesh pills" made from ... dead babies," Allahpundit, Hot Air
Bioethics and Biotechnology
- "Pope Reminds Doctors, Medical Students and Scientists to Incorporate Faith Into Science," National Catholic Register
- "Jon Will's gift," George Will, The Washington Post
- "Higher risk of birth defects from assisted reproduction," Medical Express
- "Distinguish Medical "Treatments" From "Services" to Win Bioethical Debates," Wesley J. Smith, Secondhand Smoke
Euthanasia and End of Life Issues
- "Vatican Paper Compares Pro-Abortion and Euthanasia Arguments to Nazi Eugenics," Stoyan Zaimov, The Christian Post
Stem Cell Research
To read about the latest advances in ethical adult stem cell research, keep up with leading-edge reports from FRC's Dr. David Prentice, click here.
- "Stem cell lawsuit poses wide impact for conscience rights," Michelle Bauman, EWTN News
Human Trafficking
- "GOP lawmaker looks to shut down sex trafficking through," Pete Kasperowicz, The Hill
- "Child Marriage: A Human Trafficking Problem?," Tripti Lahiri, The Wall Street Journal
- "Local women working to expose, eradicate human trafficking," Michelle Esteban,
Marriage and Family
- "Agency To Educate Others About Adoption," Daniel Hubbard, The Wayne Patch
- "Adoption adventure in China," Elizabeth Patel, China Daily
- "Adoption scam victims tell of loss, heartbreak as two are sentenced," Mark Morris, The Kansas City Star
- "National Pro-Life Adoption Conference Focuses on Orphan Crisis," Ryan Bomberger,
Family Economics
- "A Better Estimate of the Unemployment Rate -- 11%," Chris Gacek, Family Research Council
- "Yo-Yo Economics?," Dr. Mark W. Hendrickson, The Center for Vision and Values
- "You Can Keep Preaching About Tax Fairness, Mr. King, But Cut a Check First," Joe Carter, The Acton Institute
- "Ignore the Income Gap," Deroy Murdock, National Review Online
- "The Meanings of Mobility: Checking the New Pressure Points on the Middle Class," William Voegeli, The Family in America
Family Structure
- "Are Children Worth the Cost?," Barbara Curtis, Crosswalk
- "Maria Steen of the Iona Institute discusses divorce on Newstalk," The Iona Institute
- "Two Steps from Reasonable About Marriage," Stephen J. Heaney, The Public Discourse
- "The Story of Ian & Larissa," John Piper, Desiring God
- "Marital Parenthood and American Prosperity: As Goes the Middle-Class Family, So Goes the Nation," Ryan C. MacPherson, The Family in America
- "Groupon now for Playboy?," Bill Bumpas, OneNewsNow
- "Pedophiles found using Facebook to trade child pornography," Natalie DiBlasio, USA Today
- "NY top court: Just viewing child porn not a crime," Associated Press
- "Tweens' Secret Lives Online," Katherine Rosman, The Wall Street Journal
Religion and Public Policy
Religious Liberty
- "Religious freedom, rebellion, and indoor prostitution: Why Rhode Island's independence day matters," Lazar Berman, The Enterprise Blog
- "Tenn. Governor Vetoes Vanderbilt Bill; All-Comers Policy to Remain in Place," Katherine Weber, The Christian Post
- "CCJ Urges Supreme Court to Protect the Mt. Soledad Cross," John C. Eastman and Edwin Meese, The Claremont Institute
- "Let's Have A Referenda On Ten Commandments," Chris Freund, The Family Foundation
Religion in America
Check out Dr. Kenyn Cureton's feature on Watchmen Pastors called "The Lost Episodes," featuring how religion has had an impact on our Founding Fathers.
- "Millennials, Christianity, and Culture," Rob Schwarzwalder, Family Research Council
- "Traditional Christianity versus Christian Heresies," George J. Marlin, The Catholic Thing
- "An Agenda for Recovering Christianity in America," Tim Keller, The Gospel Coalition
- "The God Who is Worldly," Peter J. Leithart, First Things
- "John Stott, C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien: Why American Evangelicals Love the British," Molly Worthen, Religion & Politics
- "Evil, militant anti-Christian secularism is simply a myth," The Irish Times
- "Why the Future Will Be More Religious and More Conservative Than You Think," Eric Kaufmann, The American
- "The Soul of Liberty," Hunter Baker, Touchstone Magazine
- "The eye of the storm," Jill Nelson, WORLD Magazine
- "The Wages of the Sinai," Steven A. Cook, Council on Foreign Relations
- "New Unity Government Is Smart Politics," Evelyn Gordon, Commentary Magazine
- "New Israeli Coalition: Good for Israel, Good for Netanyahu, Good for Obama," Walter Russell Mead, Via Meadia
International Economy and Family
- "Rise of far right threatens to pollute politics across Europe," Peter Popham, The Independent
- "The Difference Between the U.S. and Europe in 1 Graph," Derek Thompson, The Atlantic
- "Half a Million Sign Petition to Protect Definition of Marriage in UK," Christian Today, The Christian Post
Religious Persecution
- "A Christian Arab Pastor's Perspective on Persecution and Ministry in the Holy Land," Family Research Council
- "Telling the Whole Story: The Flight of Chen Guangcheng," Eric Metaxas, The Christian Post
- "Was U.S. Duped by China on Dissident Deal," Rick Moran, Frontpage Magazine
- "Communist China's Perilous Phase," Minxin Pei, The Wall Street Journal
- "'Defend the persecuted'," Emily Belz, WORLD Magazine
Sharia law -- U.S., foreign
- "Dangerous illusions about Islamism," Robert R. Reilly, The Washington Times
- "A war that's bigger than Afghanistan," William Kristol, The Washington Post
- "Reaching the Muslim World -- On the Web," Josh Etter, Desiring God
The Courts
Constitutional Issues
- "The Federalist Papers Still Matter," Rob Schwarzwalder, Family Research Council
- "Does the Takings Clause Have an Expiration Date?," Justin Shubow, The FedSoc Blog
- "Greve on Originalism and Chief Justice Marshall," Mike Rappaport, Library of Law and Liberty
- "In the Courthouse was the Word," Anthony Esolen, The Public Discourse
Judicial Activism
- "House Begins Contempt Process Against Holder for "Fast and Furious"," Justin Shubow, The FedSoc Blog
Other News of Note
- "Occupy the Southern Poverty Law Center," Charles C.W. Cooke, National Review Online
- "The Centurion," James M. Kushiner, Touchstone Magazine
- "Lessons In Leadership From The NY Times," Tom Maguire, JustOneMinute
Book reviews
- "What Augustine's Baptism Can Teach Our Churches," Russell D. Moore, Moore to the Point
- "Liberalism Is Bad for Literature," Mark Bauerlein, The Public Discourse
- "Bearing Life in a Broken World: A Review of No Easy Choice," Amy Julia Becker, Christianity Today
- "A Truce in the Culture Wars: A Review of Jonathan Merritt's "A Faith of Our Own"," Trevin Wax, The Gospel Coalition
- "The Unmet Political Challenge of Family Breakdown," Jennifer Roback Morse, The Family in America