Some years ago I went to an estate sale and picked up a Gideon pocket New Testament. I happened to pick it up just now and noticed the inscription:
To: Captain George Plott
From: Chaplain William H.R. Jackson
Date: 5/6/42.
On the first page was a message from Franklin D. Roosevelt.
The White House
January 25, 1941
To the Armed Forces:
As Commander-in-Chief I take
pleasure in commending the reading
of the Bible to all who serve in the
armed forces of the United States.
Throughout the centuries men of many
faiths and diverse origins have
found in the Sacred Book words of
wisdom, counsel and inspiration.
It is a fountain of strength and
now, as always, an aid in attaining
the highest aspirations of the
human soul.
Very sincerely yours,
(Signed) Franklin D. Roosevelt