This information comes from Weasel Zippers, an important news aggregator, which in turn quotes CNS News:
With time running out on the legislative calendar, a Republican lawmaker is urging a Democratic senator to lift a “hold” on legislation that would establish a special envoy to promote religious freedom in the Middle East and South-Central Asia.
Almost a year ago, the House of Representatives passed a bill with strong bipartisan support — it had 80 co-sponsors from both parties — but companion legislation has been held up in the Senate. Rep. Frank Wolf (R-Va.), who authored the House bill, says he learned that Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.) is behind the hold.
In a letter sent to Webb this week, released by his office on Thursday, Wolf said he could not understand why Webb would oppose the initiative.
“More importantly, I would venture that the Coptic Christians, Baha’is, Chaldo-Assyrians, Ahmadis, small remaining Jewish population and countless other religious minorities throughout the Middle East and South Central Asia who face daily persecution, hardship, violence, instability and even death would be hard-pressed to see your objection to this straight-forward, bipartisan legislation,” he wrote. [more. . .]
Read the whole thing. It's apparent to me (and has been for a long time), that the U.S. State Department needs a radical overhaul. November can't come fast enough. Meanwhile, religious minorities suffer with few voices speaking on their behalf. Memo: Must contact my senators.