Parts of it are absolutely awful, as pointed out by the Family Research Council:
What the Platform Doesn't Say Does Hurt It
Sometimes it's not in what you say, but what you don't that matters most. Reading the Democratic platform is one of those moments. Compared to its Republican counterpart, the official agenda of the Democratic Party is deafeningly silent on the sanctity of life, the importance of traditional marriage, and the granting of meaningful protections to religious liberty--showing just where their priorities lay (or don't lay) in their incomplete vision for America. The Democratic platform calls for "unequivocal" support of Roe v. Wade and unfettered "access" to abortion on demand, ignoring an awakening understanding--both legally and medically--on the beginning of life issues. Nuanced and emerging matters such as fetal pain, embryo destruction, and sex-selective abortion are all conspicuously missing, just as end-of-life issues (assisted suicide, both active and passive euthanasia).
The GOP platform opposes all abortion funding, both here and abroad, a position consistently held by a majority of Americans, whereas the Democratic platform supports abortion "regardless of ability to pay." According to The Weekly Standard's John McCormack, "That last part-'regardless of ability to pay' is an endorsement of taxpayer-funded abortions, a policy that President Obama has personally endorsed. Obama wants Medicaid to pay directly for elective abortions, and Obamacare will allow beneficiaries to use federal subsidies to purchase health care plans that cover elective abortions." Talk about being out of touch with Americans! Seventy-two percent of Americans oppose "using any public money in the health care overhaul to pay for abortions," Quinnipiac University found.
And life is not the only issue where the Democratic Party breaks Left. The big news is the Democratic platform now supports same-sex "marriage," "the right of all families to have equal respect, responsibilities, and protections under the law"--a stance that opposes all federal and state initiatives to the contrary. Of course, the irony is this news is being delivered from Charlotte, in the state that just voted overwhelmingly in favor of a marriage protection amendment. State's rights are an afterthought in the platform, unless of course you're talking about the District of Columbia statehood.
And the Democratic platform would not be complete without deflecting charges that ObamaCare's "contraceptive mandate" that requires all people of faith to pay for abortion drugs, contraception, and sterilization violates rights of conscience. "The Affordable Care Act ensures that women have access to contraception in their health insurance plans, and the President has respected the principle of religious liberty." Of course, just saying there's respect for the principle of religious liberty doesn't make it so. For an election that is supposed to be about jobs and the economy, it's the radical social issues that seem to be at the forefront of the Democratic convention. The evidence of that is obvious--not just in the Party's platform--but in the speaker line-up as well: Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood, Nancy Keenan, President of National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL), Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, and Georgetown law student, Sandra Fluke.