Dinesh D'Souza is wonderfully articulate. Read this interview: (HT: Drudge)
Dinesh D’Souza is the conservative author of the best-seller The Roots Of Obama’s Rage which was the basis for the #2 political documentary of all time 2016 Obama’s America. He is also its co-director. He answers today’s slam on the film by the Obama-Biden campaign, which comes just as the movie is hot in battleground states and its producers are looking for a network to air it before the November election. D’Souza attacks the mainstream media for “refusing” coverage:DEADLINE: What is your reaction to today’s Obama-Biden campaign slam of 2016 Obama’s America??
DINESH D’SOUZA: “I welcome Obama’s critique of the
film. He has probably figured out that he cannot ignore it any longer.
Obama’s response is a characteristic mix of name calling and false
allegations. Some of the claims he makes refer to things that are not
even in the film. Elsewhere Obama just gets it wrong. For example, he
disputes that he funded $2 billion in Brazilian oil exploration. In
reality, Obama has given billions of dollars not only to Brazil but also
to Columbia and Mexico to drill for oil. On March 19, 2011, Obama gave a
speech in Brazil in which he deplored the legacy of colonialism,
promised technology and support for Brazilian energy development, and
concluded “when you are ready to start selling we want to be one of your
best customers”. The facts in the film stand up very well to the
closest scrutiny. I think people should see 2016 and make up their own minds.
DEADLINE: What do you think of the criticism the film has received?
D’SOUZA: The criticism of the film actually bothers me
less than the neglect of the film. If I were Michael Moore and I were to
make a film that was the No. 2 political documentary of all time, I
would be on every network. I would be on Meet The Press, and I would be profiled in The New York Times,
and I would be all over MSNBC. Instead large sectors of the press are
refusing to cover the film. They are just pretending it doesn’t exist.
DEADLINE: What is your response to charges that you are simply an anti-Obama propagandist?
D’SOUZA: I tried very hard with this film to make an
intelligent film with credible sources and new information. I’m a
college president [D’Souza in 2010 was named the president of The
King’s College, a Christian college located in New York City], I’ve
been a fellow at the Hoover Institution and at the American Enterprise
Institute, so what is kind of funny is in a guy like Michael Moore we
have a true propagandist and a true conspiracy theorist. A guy who is
fast and loose with the facts. My film was to some degree inspired by Fahrenheit 9/11.
In the sense that I remember that Michael Moore dropped that film in
the middle of the 2004 campaign and it had a big impact. But
nevertheless, I set out to make very different type of film than Michael
Moore. One that is, first of all, not just preaching to the converted.
And second, one that doesn’t insult the intelligence of the audience.
And I really think that is actually a large part also of the film’s
appeal. That even though the left says it’s propaganda, it’s a risky
attack on the film because when people go to see it, they actually see
whether they agree or disagree that it is not propaganda. Whatever your
politics, you are going to come away from this film saying at least,
“Hey, I do know a whole bunch of things about Obama I didn’t know 90
minutes ago.” [more . . .]