The Family Research Council does superb work in assembling these articles. For previous issues of the Social Conservative Review, click here. The items below are found here.
Educational Freedom and ReformHomeschooling
- "Homeschooling latest news: Romney, Ryan on support, free elections 2012 study (Video),"
- "Truancy Charges Dismissed!," Home School Legal Defense Association
Legislation and Policy Proposals
- "Minnesota Bans Free Online Courses," The Heritage Foundation
- "School Choice Marches Forward," Education Next
- "The Education Upstarts," The Atlantic
- "Where is the promised leadership on school choice in Pennsylvania?," Thomas B. Fordham Institute
- "Lessons From Los Angeles," Education Week
- "Public and Religious Education: L'Etat, C'est Tout," The Public Discourse
College Debt
- "Texas Tries to Make College Cheap," RealClearPolicy
- "Why Privatization Won't Solve the Student Loan Crisis," The Huffington Post
- "Colleges take aim at student loan debt," CNNMoney
- "Defaulting on loans trending on campus," The Minneapolis Star Tribune
- "Student loans: Even military worries about rising debt," The Christian Science Monitor
Government Reform
- "Romney to target tax and regulation," Financial Times
- "From Airbnb to Coursera: Government Shouldn't Regulate the Sharing Economy," Wired
- "Financial Regulation: Three Reforms Conservatives Should Support,"
- "WASTEBOOK 2012," Senator Tom Coburn
- "Why is there so much government waste?," The Daily Caller
- "Gov't to blame for waste, fraud, says doctor,"
Health Care
- "Abstinence education gets an 'A' from parents," Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
- "Who supports abstinence education? Parents," The Washington Examiner
- "Airbrushing Abstinence,"
Conscience Protection
- "Conscience Protection for Pharmacists, Nurses, and...Abortionists?," LiveAction
- "Biden's Remarks Debunked as Catholic Institutions and 13 States File Amicus Briefs Opposing HHS Mandate before DC Circuit Court of Appeals," The Becket Fund
- "Conscience and Cicero Under Siege," The Catholic Thing
Health care reform: Political and Legislative efforts
- "USCCB Responds To Inaccurate Statement Of Fact On HHS Mandate Made During Vice Presidential Debate," USCCB Press Office
- "The Right to Do Good," The Public Discourse
- "1,700 People March to Protest Obama-HHS Mandate in Chicago," LifeNews
- "The Determinators: Whoever Pays Holds the Power to Decide," The Galen Institute
- "Here's How Stripping Down Health Care Reform Benefits to the Bare Bones Will Backfire and Drive Up Costs," Forbes
- "How Should We Respond to the Obamacare Ruling?,"
- "Arguing LGBT Rights," The Catholic Thing
- "Following the Russians?," The Catholic Thing
- "Religious Group Accuses Anti-Bullying 'Mix It Up at Lunch Day' of Promoting Gay Agenda," Time
- "Pro-Homosexual Agenda Introduced for Australian Schools," The Christian Post
Human Life and Bioethics
- "A Game Changer for the Abortion Debate," National Review Online
- "Another Election and Another People," The Catholic Thing
- "Seventh Circuit Blocks Indiana Law Cutting Planned Parenthood Funds," FedSoc Blog
- "Liberty Counsel Files Brief Supporting Ban on Late-Term Abortions," Liberty Counsel
- "Amendment 6 would prohibit tax money for abortion," The Miami Herald
- "Health Minister to Sneak Abortion into Ireland Through Regulations," Friday Fax
- "Are Pregnancies Even from Rape a Gift from God?," Christianity Today
- "Abortion and the Church," Crosswalk
- "Pro-life = misogyny?," First Things
Bioethics and Biotechnology
- "Bioethics Panel Urges More Gene Privacy Protection," ABC News
- "Gimmicky, Greedy, and Down Right Unethical," The Center for Bioethics and Culture
Euthanasia and End of Life Issues
- "Please Step Back From the Assisted-Suicide Ledge," The Wall Street Journal
- "Marriage and Euthanasia: Your Most Important Vote May Be Further Down the Ballot,"
- "Euthanasia is just a bridge too far," The Sydney Morning Herald
Stem Cell Research
To read about the latest advances in
ethical adult stem cell research, keep up with leading-edge reports from
FRC's Dr. David Prentice, click here.
- "The Stem Cell Debates: Lessons for Science and Politics," The New Atlantis
- "Objections to Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Vetted," Center for Bioethics and Culture
- "Hyping Embryonic Stem Cells Like It's 2004," National Review Online
- "Clouds gather over European stem-cell funding," Nature
Human Trafficking
- "More controls against human trafficking put in place, says Hisham,"
- "Human trafficking to UK 'rising'," BBC
- "Former Cop Taking on Sex Traffickers," OneNewsNow
Women's Health
- "No War on Women: Exposing the Left's gender politics and pandering," National Review Online
- "Why Planned Parenthood Won't Provide Mammograms," First Things
Marriage and Family
- "Adoption: Welcome to the Family," Family Research Council
- "Opening the Adoption Files," Christianity Today
- "Adoption Tax Credit to Expire If Congress Doesn't Act," The Huffington Post
Family Economics
- "Will Stay-at-Home Moms Be Allowed Credit Cards Again?," The Heritage Foundation
- "The Missing Plank of the GOP Platform: Reclaiming Family-Wage Jobs in an Age of Globalization," The Family in America
- "Welfare Is at an All-Time High," National Review Online
- "Are Americans the Takers or the Taken?," Values & Capitalism
Family Structure
- "The Romance Revolution: Effects on Children and Couples," Family Research Council
- "Concern over report challenging traditional family structure," Christianity Today
- "How Should Christians Date?," Relevant Magazine
- "Death of A Wild Thing," Touchstone Magazine
- "Yale's Latest Sexual Perversion," National Review Online
- "Girl Commits Suicide - Use this to talk to kids about porn, predators, bullying,"
- "A U.N. Regulated Internet? The Case for Defending Against Persistent Intergovernmental Threats to Internet Freedom," Engage
- "Living in the Brave New World of Social Media: Posting a Death on Facebook,"
Religion and Public Policy
Religious Liberty
- "A War on Religion?," The Public Discourse
- "Religious Freedom and National Security," Policy Review
- "What About Religious Freedom? The other consequences of Obamacare," The Weekly Standard
- "Religious Caucuses Slated for 9 States," Everyday Christian
- "Texas Judge, Siding With Cheerleaders, Allows Bible Verses on Banners at School Games," New York Times
- "Stand Up For Religious Freedom draws crowds," The Herald Star
Religion in America
Check out Dr. Kenyn Cureton's feature on Watchmen Pastors called "The Lost Episodes," featuring how religion has had an impact on our Founding Fathers.
- "Ryan: Measure 'Compassion' by Outcomes, Not Spending Levels," National Journal
- "Your Say: Do 'nones' pose trouble or improve America?," USA Today
- "Pro-life activist encourages witnessing in difficult situations," Catholic News Agency
- "Christianity Isn't Dying, Cultural Christianity Is," Crosswalk
- "Desiccated Christianity," The Acton Institute
- "Latinos, Religion and Campaign 2012," The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life
- "Why We Need More Religion in Politics, Not Less,"
- "Godless Secularism Assaults Life and Liberty," National Catholic Register
- "WSJ Houses of Worship: Religion and The Bad News Bearers by Rodney Stark and Byron R. Johnson," Institute for Studies of Religion, Baylor University
- "Plan Is Mulled To Give Jews a Place To Pray at Holiest Site - Temple Mount in Jerusalem," New York Sun
- "Libya, Jordan and Obama's Guiding Lights," The Jerusalem Post
- "Knesset Member: Time For Israel to Stop Being Apologetic," OneNewsNow
International Economy and Family
- "Europe vs. Scientific Consensus," The American
- "Relief at last for family finances," The London Daily Telegraph
Religious Persecution
- "Pastor released, but religious persecution remains,"
- "In Sweden, Persecuted Jewish Homeschoolers Win Court Battle," The New American
Sharia law -- U.S., foreign
- "Egypt's Morsi Slammed for Condoning Anti-Semitic Rant," CBN News
- "St. Thomas forum explores "dangers" of anti-Sharia legislation," The Minneapolis Star Tribune
The Courts
Constitutional Issues
- "The Loss of Robert Bork," The Catholic Thing
- "Fifth Circuit Sides with Monks in Casket-Selling Case," The FedSoc Blog
- "The Constitution Guarantees only the Right to Property," The Imaginative Conservative
Judicial Activism
- "Don Franzen Interviews Justice Scalia on "Reading Law"," The FedSoc Blog
- "Florida Supreme Court judges fight for their jobs," Chicago Tribune
Other News of Note
- "Revisiting Electric Kool-Aid Conservatism," The American Conservative
- "The Wave That Breaks the Liberal Bubble," The American Thinker
- "All about libertarians: Group's mystique increases as profile is raised," The Washington Times
Book reviews
- "Are We Better Off after the Pill?" The Family in America
- "The Blessing of Children," The New Atlantis
- "Misreading the Tea Leaves," Claremont Review of Books
- "Book Review: John Allison's The Financial Crisis and the Free Market Cure," Forbes
- "New York's Education Reform Pioneers," City Journal
- "The Chief End of Men," Christianity Today
- "Miraculous Witness," First Things