Tonight Gov. Romney and President Obama meet to debate Foreign Policy. The Family Research Council notes that:
In three and a half hours of debating, the candidates have exchanged 30,586 words--but not one of them was spent discussing marriage. Heading into this evening's contest, Barack Obama has yet to answer for one of the most defining moments of his presidency: his "evolution" on same-sex "marriage" and the abandonment of thousands of years of human tradition and logic. While tonight's debate in Boca Raton is focused on foreign policy, this final face-off will be the last opportunity Americans have to hear for themselves the stark difference between the two men on defining fundamental issues. The moderators of the previous two debates have largely avoided the subject of values, save a passing glance or two on contraception. The void is especially glaring given that a radical social agenda has been the hallmark of this President's entire first term. [emphasis mine] In fact, absent other tangible accomplishments to campaign on, the White House has resorted to highlighting its pro-abortion, Planned Parenthood policies in ads. President Obama isn't running away from his extreme social policy--he's running on it! And for once, it's time for Americans to hear why. How can Bob Schieffer squeeze in social issues? The same way President Obama did in his dealings with other nations and our military: by force
In many ways, the administration's international agenda is the perfect segway to a discussion on life, marriage, and religious liberty. For four years, President Obama has used his State Department and its diplomats as his agents of social change. He has not only pushed homosexuality on the military, but he's advanced his agenda on unwilling countries through his selection of controversial ambassadors and his celebration of "gay pride" around the globe. At home, he hid subtle changes to marriage in gay immigration policy, U.S. passports, or taxpayer-funded hormone therapy for cross-dressers. To export abortion, he funneled millions of dollars to his friends at overseas Planned Parenthoods, UNFPA, and other organizations that support gendercide, China's one-child policy, and forced sterilization. In countries like Kenya, which has a strong pro-life majority, the White House bullied its way through obstacles, hiring lobbyists to expand abortion in its constitution--illegally. And when it came time to reauthorize the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, the President dragged his feet.
Yes, there are plenty of ways to introduce values into a debate on foreign policy. If Mr. Schieffer needs some conversation starters, he could start with FRC's new one-pagers on President Obama's record. Our experts combed through the last four years of the President's record and found plenty of disturbing trends. Of the 66 decisions he made that violate pro-family values, 60 of them were done without congressional approval. Check them out here.