From the Family Research Council:
One Nation Under [Censored]
The new Congress hasn't even been sworn in yet, but that hasn't stopped atheist groups from lobbying the incoming freshman. Less than 24 hours after the elections, the American Humanist Association was already warning new representatives about any involvement with the Congressional Prayer Caucus (CPC). "Incoming House members should know that approximately one in five of their constituents are not religiously affiliated, and even more insist on maintaining the wall of separation between church and state."
The letter, posted here, accuses the Congressional Prayer Caucus as relegating people who don't pray as "second-class citizens"--a ridiculous allegation, in part because the CPC is about a lot more than prayer. Just last week, the bipartisan group published a special booklet outlining all of their projects from the 112th Congress, which show that secularists--not the CPC--are the real threat.
Congressman Randy Forbes (R-Va.), a good friend of FRC's and co-chair of the CPC, was on "Fox & Friends" this morning to talk about the Association's letter. "They don't want anyone in government to be able to even mention or say anything related to God, faith, or religion. And they don't want anyone in the church to say anything about government. That's clearly not the intention of the First Amendment and the Constitution as most of us know it!"
Note: I got the term "Animalist" from Vishal Mangalwadi whom I heard use the term "secular animalism" (for "secular humanism") in a radio interview in July, 2012. Indian-born Mangalwadi recently authored The Book That Made Your World: How the Bible Created the Soul of Western Civilization.
An important review of the book may be found here.
The broad-brush thesis of this book is this: without the Judeo-Christian
worldview, there would be no Western civilisation as we know it. The
Hebrew Old Testament and Greek New Testament have contributed more to
the development of the West than any other single factor.
In over
400 information-rich pages the Indian-born scholar documents how the
Bible directly and profoundly contributed to the rise of the West. And
not only has the West benefited immeasurably - so too has the rest of
the world. Indeed, he argues that the "Bible was the force that created
modern India" as well. [more. . .]
-- See my previous post on Mangalwadi here which contains strong endorsements of the book from outstanding Christian thinkers including Chuck Colson, Dallas Willard, Ravi Zacharias, and David Lyle Jeffrey.