Elizabeth Kendal of the Religious Liberty Prayer Bulletin writes:
We are 12 years into the 21st Century; 64 years on from the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
23 years past the fall of Communism in Europe and the end of the Cold
War. Yet the world is not a safer place, especially for Christians. For
while positives have progressed, so too have negatives. And while proud,
self-sufficient humanity likes to congratulate itself on the positives,
it is not very good at tackling the negatives. For decades now,
dangerous religious nationalism has been building in post-colonial
emerging democracies such as Sri Lanka, and especially India. It is 33
years since the successful Shi'ite Revolution in Iran and the failed
Sunni Revolution in Saudi Arabia triggered the Saudi-funded global
expansion of Sunni Islamic fundamentalism, which is pro-Sharia,
pro-jihad, supremacist, imperialist and intolerant.
Yet these
past decades have been decades of phenomenal Church growth, specifically
throughout the non-Western world. In 1960 the Church was predominantly
white, Western and middle-class. Today the Church is some 80 percent
coloured, non-Western and poor. These Christians -- who include many
converts -- live as counter-cultural, vulnerable religious minorities in
increasingly hostile environments in states with poor human rights
records. Yet their numbers still increase as the Church continues to
grow despite everything the devil throws at it. And that brings us to
the key issue: the escalating persecution we are witnessing is Satan's
response to Church growth. 'For we do not wrestle against flesh and
blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the
cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces
of evil in the heavenly places.' (Ephesians 6:12 ESV.) Satan is
fighting back as should be expected. So how should we respond to this?
We are to respond with endurance (Hebrews 10:35-39), prevailing prayer
(Ephesians 6:18) and steadfast faith (Isaiah 30:15) in the one who
secured our victory by means of the cross.
This year multitudes
of Christians will be celebrating Christmas behind barricades and with
armed guards to prevent terror attacks and mob violence. Those of us who
are accustomed to worshipping in freedom can hardly imagine such a
scenario. This year the Indonesian government will heighten security 'in
seven areas believed to be prime targets for terrorist attacks ahead of
the Christmas and New Year celebrations'. The areas which will receive
special attention are East Java, Central Java, Jakarta, North Sumatra,
Central Sulawesi, Bali and Maluku. From 23 December 2012 to 1 January
2013 'police will heighten security at the 38,499 registered churches
across Indonesia' (Jakarta Globe). Instead of celebrating Christmas outdoors as they like to do, most Christians across northern Nigeria will remain inside their churches,
behind the barricades and armed guards. The general secretary of the
Christian Association of Nigeria, Rev. Musa Asake, expressed anxiety
about the prospect of Christmas bombings and appealed through CBS News for Christians to pray that 'the Lord will intervene to protect churches'.
of Iraq's leading Shi'ite clerics, Ayatollah Ahmad Al Hassani Al
Baghdadi is currently in Syria, supporting the jihad against Assad. He has just issued a fatwa
labelling Iraqi Christians as 'polytheists' [because they worship a
trinity] and 'friends of the Zionists'. He has decreed they must choose
'Islam or death' and that 'their women and girls may legitimately be
regarded wives of Muslims'. This fatwa may well increase the likelihood
of a terror attack against Iraqi Christians this Christmas. Also it is
difficult to imagine that foreign jihadis in Syria will let Christians
gather and celebrate Christmas in peace and with security when their intention is to eradicate Christianity
from the whole Middle East. In totalitarian states such as Eritrea,
Algeria and all through Asia, Christians worshipping in unregistered
('illegal') house fellowships will worship, as usual, at risk of arrest.
Christians in Pakistan, Egypt, Sudan, Maldives and India will also
worship at great risk, while Christians in Somalia, Afghanistan and
North Korea will worship in total secret and near silence.
worship and celebrate we all will, for we celebrate the coming of the
one who changes everything: Jesus Christ, son of David, Son of God. He
came to redeem his people and establish his Church. What started with a
band of disciples -- most of whom were martyred -- he has built into a
Church that is hundreds-of-millions-strong. What is more, he is building
still and Satan, though he fight with 'the energy of despair', cannot
stop him. Though this relentless battle leaves us weary, Christ is
resilient. Though we bruise like fragile reeds and fade like spent
lanterns, the promise is that Jesus Christ, the Lord of Hosts, will not
grow faint or be discouraged till he has established justice in the
earth (from Isaiah 42:3,4). The one whose coming we celebrate at
Christmas is the one who in grace gives strength to those who will trust
him, that the battle might be turned back. He is the one in whom we
hope. Yes, Christmas is worth celebrating, for Christmas heralds hope
for the world.
As we lift our hearts and hands to the God of all Creation,
we confess that our hearts are heavy with anxiety for our persecuted fellow believers;
we confess that our hands are empty for there is nothing material that we could offer that could stop the violence.
But come we do, because we know that while we are limited, you
our God are not; for you are the Almighty living God (Psalm 77:10-13)
and nothing is impossible for you (Luke 1:37). Indeed you are willing
and able to do abundantly more than we could ask or even imagine
(Ephesians 3:20).
We come because we know that you love us with an everlasting love;
that you speak, work and rule in our interests; and that you are 'for
us' (Psalm 56:9) and one with us (Romans 6:5), having been given to us
(the Church) as our head (Ephesians 2:22).
And so we cry to you:
May the Lord of hosts himself guard his churches and secret fellowships this Christmas.
the Holy Spirit draw all imperilled believers into prayer, trusting
that you will answer as soon as you hear it (Isaiah 30:19).
May the
name of Jesus Christ be exalted throughout all the nations with songs of
praise, of glory to the Righteous One (Isaiah 24:16).