I heard part of Limbaugh's commentary today and felt disheartened. Limbaugh says Santa Claus trumps freedom, Santa Claus trumps working, Santa Claus trumps everything. And I think he's right:
[...] That's why Cantor is saying, "We're gonna have to do a better job of explaining who we are. We need to do a better job of explaining why we're doing what we're doing." Well, I think that epitomizes how lost they all feel -- and right now, folks, there is no fight. There's no desire for it. There's no fight mentality. There is no desire for any opposition of any kind at this point in time. That's what all of this means. It's a direct outcome of the 2012 election. It is Santa Claus trumping freedom. Santa Claus trumps everything. Santa Claus beats fiscal responsibility. Santa Claus beats individual liberty. Santa Claus beats individual responsibility. Santa Claus trumps all of this. It's no more complicated than that, but that's exactly what all of this means.
Santa Claus trumps everything. Santa Claus trumps working. Everybody loves Santa Claus. That bugs 'em. They think there's nothing in it. There's no upside to opposing anything that's happening in the country right now. And it's gonna get even worse as issues come up and more Republicans throw in the towel. That is going to happen. And I have no idea what's gonna arrest it. At some point it'll stop. At some point it's gonna reverse itself. I don't know what it's gonna be, when, I haven't the slightest idea. But Kasich's up for reelection. He lost the state of Ohio, it went Obama, it went Democrat. He's reading tea leaves. Other governors are doing the same thing.
There's some holdouts. I mean, not every Republican is throwing in the towel. But for the most part, the overarching philosophy or theory is there's nothing to be gained in opposing Obama. The media's gonna come out and destroy you. The American people love Santa Claus and don't want to hear any opposition. That's just gonna be categorized as mean-spiritedness, extremism, racism, what have you. So you're gonna have to bite the bullet for a while, let this play out, because there's nothing that's gonna stop this, nothing foreseen that's going to stop it. Something will, but I don't know what or when, but something will arrest this. Because it always happens.