Kirsten Powers accuses national media: "We've forgotten what belongs on page one."
The Family Research Council covers the case:
Trial and the Media's Error
Anyone who looked over at the rows of empty seats would have thought the trial hadn't begun. The media section of the courtroom, a full four benches of reserved space, was vacant. To most pro-lifers, it's a picture worth a thousand words--words, unfortunately, that the press refuses to use to tell the gruesome tale of accused mass murderer Kermit Gosnell. JD Mullane, one of the few reporters on hand to watch the abortionist's trial, still can't shake off the eerie feelings of what he heard there. "Sat through a full day of testimony at the Kermit Gosnell trial today," he tweeted. "It is beyond the most morbid Hollywood horror. It will change you."
One thing it hasn't changed, unfortunately, is the media's indifference to the real war on women. The same networks that devoted around-the-clock coverage to the fictional girlfriend of a college linebacker can't be bothered to report on one of the greatest human rights tragedies of our time. Gosnell, who took so much delight in snipping the necks of newborns that he kept a virtual trophy wall of their severed feet, is accused of killing at least one woman and seven children. Witnesses say his victims numbered many more--at least a hundred living, breathing newborns whose chests, as his teenage employee described, were "going up and down real fast." For the survivors, Gosnell's torture chamber is the nightmare they can never wake up from. There, he "perforated bowels, cervixes and uteruses, and left women sterile"--all in a blood-splattered, animal-infested war zone, where women's cries were the common soundtrack.
While the horror hasn't drawn reporters, it has drawn outrage. Social media is exploding in the vacuum of the networks' silence, as #Gosnell trends across the internet. The drumbeat continued yesterday, when the anger of 10 U.S. Representatives boiled over in a special order of Congress. With a sign "The National Media Cover-up" as their backdrop, almost a dozen Republicans took to the floor to expose the press's hypocrisy. "If Dr. Gosnell had walked into a nursery and shot seven infants with an AR-15," said Congressman Chris Smith (R-N.J.), "it would be national news and the subject of presidential hand-wringing." This is a man, fumed Rep. Scott Garrett (R-N.J.) who "had a simple solution for unwanted babies--he killed them. He didn't call it that. He called it, 'ensuring fetal demise.' He called it 'snipping.' Over the years there were literally hundreds of 'snippings.' This we find from the grand jury's report. Snipping? This is not a medical procedure. This is murder, and we should call it what it is."
Others, like Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.), the father of two daughters, took aim at the President. "Are you so blind," he asked, "are you so intractable, are you so extreme that you yourself can't even call this out for what it is, something that is reprehensible? Pro-life or pro-choice, this is reprehensible. [You are the father] as I am, of two little girls. It is worthy of your attention, it is worthy of your leadership, it is worthy of your direction." This is not, as some have called it, "after-birth abortion." It's murder. How thin, mused Rep. Joe Pitts (R-Pa.) is the line between abortion and homicide in this country? Dr. John Fleming (R-La.) pointed out the tragedy that Americans care more about the humane treatment of animals than they do about humans. Think back to the Michael Vick dog-fighting scandal and the millions of angry Americans who clamored for his punishment. Where are those same people today, when children are literally screaming out in pain? It's simple,writes Kirsten Powers. "We've forgotten what belongs on Page 1." The loss of these lives, said an emotional Rep. Marlin Stutzman (R-Ind.) should "sear the conscience of civilized people everywhere."
Meanwhile, Planned Parenthood--the same organization who lobbied on behalf of brutality like Gosnell's--appears to have more in common with the Philadelphia abortionist than people realize. At its Delaware branch, at least two nurses have resigned over the disgusting conditions of the clinic. "It was just unsafe," said Jayne Mitchell-Werbrich. "I couldn't tell you how ridiculously unsafe it was." The doctors "didn't wear gloves," she said, while her co-worker, Joyce Vasikonis, told Action News, "They were using instruments on patients that were not sterile." In a rush to get patients in and out, the women say the operating table was "not washed down, it's not even cleaned off. It has bloody drainage on it." After their resignations, which were prompted by a series of botched abortions, the clinic waved off the nurses' concerns. In a revealing interview with the state Department of Health, Mary Peterson was candid about the number of women at risk over unregulated clinics like this one. "I am not going to lie to you, we don't have the manpower to do routine inspections." Then perhaps it's time our government takes the half-trillion dollars it sends to Planned Parenthood and starts investing it in women's safety instead!