What? you ask. How can gay-friendly Hollywood judge a movie as "too gay?" Michael Voris says gay propagandists want the populace to concentrate on abstractions ("rights," "equality," "fairness") but avoid at all costs showing what gay people actually do. Voris writes:
Hollywood producer Steven Soderbergh has made a movie about flamboyant homosexual showman Liberace and his very much younger gay partner.
The name of the movie is "Behind the Candelabra" and it stars Michael Douglas as Liberace and Matt Damon as much much younger live-in male sex partner Scott Thornson.
But you won't be seeing this movie - not that you would want to - but you wont be seeing in US theaters anytime soon. The reason?
According to Soderbergh - he had the door slammed in his face by every major studio in Hollywood because they all said the movie was - his words now, quoting them - the movie was "too gay".
According to those who have seen the movie - it is VERY gay. Kind of no holds-barred, practically nothing left to the imagination .. including a couple of very explicit raunchy sex scenes between Douglas and Damon.
But what does Hollywood say - NOPE. Too Gay.
But why? Why should the Puritans who run Hollywood all of a sudden take exception to extraordinarily explicit sex scenes .. especially ones involving Michael Douglas?
So why the double standard? Well, the bottom line from the studio point of view of course money - their unspoken reasoning BEHIND anticipating a box office drought in money is that they know the public doesn't want to see what Homosexuality really is. Just like the Planned Parenthood doesn't want to show what abortion really is.
The people who push the agenda of evil don't want to show what it really is .. especially on thousands of large screens around the whole country for weeks on end.
The purveyors of spiritual ruin want to keep the discussion focused on talk of "rights" and "equality" and "love" and "fairness" and "justice" and other wonderful high sounding noble platitudes.
They don't want to show you or have you even think about for one minute - what homosexuality REALLY is - which is of course SEX between two men .. and that's all it is.
The actual sordid perverted acts of sodomy and so forth which is what the whole issue is ACTUALLY about - those scenes, that reality, they want to keep far from the public - partly because they intuit that the public - which is about 97 percent NOT homosexual isn't really gonna want to watch two men engaged in such activity.
The other reason is - those kinds of explicit scenes put the lie to their claim that this is all about being normal - and having the same rights as everyone else to love whoever you want.
The whole gay rights movement is about one thing and one thing only - having unnatural abnormal perverted sexual liaisons with members of your own sex and wanting society to condone it as normal.
Same-sex marriage is the brass ring which they think assures the public perception that gays have arrived - they are out and proud - they are queer and here.
But in a very funny twist - Hollywood which has done so much to promote that notion - won't stand behind it when the rubber hits the road.
Too gay indeed.