The Family Research Council reports:
In Illinois, redefining marriage was supposed to be a walk in the park. Homosexual activists had plenty of money, support from the media and outside groups, and the distinction of being the home state of the first President ever to endorse same-sex "marriage." In the end, even those advantages couldn't compete with a massive movement from the state's pastors -- who joined together across racial and denomination lines to sink a bill destined for passage.
Thanks to the Illinois Family Institute, which poured its blood, sweat, and tears into defeating the measure, there was an unprecedented army of opposition to the bill. Pastors' breakfasts, press conferences, and meetings helped pull together a fierce coalition from every corner of Illinois -- ultimately killing a bill that should have been a sure thing in a country that was supposedly racing to embrace homosexual "marriage." Black, Hispanic, Asian, Catholic, and evangelical church leaders were overwhelmingly engaged, speaking from the pulpit, sponsoring robo-calls, and even threatening primary challengers for any leader voting "yes."
The LGBT lobby, who assumed their bullying would have the same effect on these legislators as it's had in other states, were completely blindsided by the churches' powerful resistance. On Friday, while the Left was preparing for a victory lap, the bill's sponsor, Rep. Greg Harris (D-Chicago), tearfully announced on the last day of the session that he didn't have the votes to bring the bill to the floor.
For our side, which has had its share of setbacks, it was a reminder of what can be accomplished when we stand together. Illinois voters refused to buy the line that same-sex "marriage" is inevitable -- and because of their courage, it wasn't! Join us in congratulating the Illinois Family Institute and the hundreds of pastors who stood their ground on marriage! It was a victory well-deserved, and more than that, a success story every state can learn from.
Same-sex marriage is not inevitable, as this news from Illinois shows. The National Organization for Marriage reported the story earlier. The Heritage Foundation offers a free e-book download on "What You Need to Know About marriage."