I listened to the first part of Rush Limbaugh's radio program today. He articulated my own thoughts when he
. .what's taking place in the United States right now is a coup, not a
violent coup, and not a million artistic coup, but nevertheless a
takeover of a government, and it's being done by the Obama
administration. . . . there is clearly -- somewhere, somehow, in some
form or another -- a coup taking place, and there is an assault on
privacy, and there are assaults on people because of their politics and
their ideology. It is taking place; it's undeniable. Yet many of the
people we would hope would be pushing back against this and doing their
best to join us and warning everybody say, "Nothing to see here! Don't
get all crazy about this. We must be level headed."
There was a time when the United States government earned the trust of
its people. There was a time when most people believed that the United
States government was protecting them. There was a time when most people
believed that the United States government was spying on the bad guys,
that the United States government was in fact earning the trust of the
people. But this current data collection, scanning, whatever you want to
call it, unfortunately has to be judged in context: the IRS leaks, the
now unquestionable, undeniable, admitted-to-it IRS tactic of suppressing
the vote of Tea Party conservatives, denying them their First Amendment
The regime and its tricks with the Associated Press and Fox
reporter James Rosen, the Benghazi cover-ups, the Fast and Furious
operation, suing the state of Arizona for simply endorsing essentially
federal immigration law. You can't just try to be the smartest guy in
the room and say, "Well, we must be levelheaded about this and
understand that this is just metadata." We cannot take the motives and
intelligence guided by experience watching this administration over the
last four-and-a-half, five years, and what their express purpose is. .
So if the Constitution exists as it is, the country was founded
as it was, and an administration comes along and doesn't like that and
is doing everything it can to overturn that Constitution without a
convention, doing everything it can to change direction of this country,
and what's the word, transform it, what's wrong with calling this a
Me: He's absolutely right.