Both of the following letters merit reading and careful study.
-From Dr. Dennis MacEoin, former editor of Middle East Review - Open Letter to Alice Walker
I was, not to put too fine a point on it, shocked to the core to find that the sensitive author of The Color Purple and so many other books that speak to the heart has refused to let a Hebrew translation of that first, classic story to be published. Nor was I less shocked to discover that a woman of your merit and generally sound political judgment had joined forces with groups and individuals who campaign against the State of Israel and treat it with the sort of contempt that would be better reserved for the countries that surround it. [more. . .]
- Ido Aharoni - Israel's Consul General in New York - Alice Walker Scapegoating Israel: An Open Letter to Alice Walker
I am writing this letter to you with great pain, after encountering your name in the news, again, calling for a boycott on my home and country.
Recently, you urged a popular American artist to boycott Israel. In your statement you claimed that “under a campaign named ‘Brand Israel,’ Israeli officials use culture and arts to showcase Israel as a modern, welcoming place.”
As it happens, I’m the founding head of Israel’s brand-management team and the originator of the Brand Israel movement you refer to. Let me tell you the real story of Brand Israel: [more . . .]